Name : GAO Bo Department : Department of Information Management Title : Associate professor Degree : Ph.D. Phone : Email :gaobo@cqu.edu.cn |
Associate professor (2008-present), Department of Information Management, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, China
Lecturer (2002-2008), Department of Information Management, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, China
Visiting Scholar (2010 -2011), Business School, University of Hull, England
Ph. D. (Systems Engineering), Institute of Systems Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, May 2002.
Master (Systems Engineering), Institute of Systems Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, July 1998.
Bachelor (Automatic Control), Department of Automatic Control, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, July 1995.
Research Interests
Enterprise Information management; Big data marketing;Business Process Optimization; CRM.
Management decision analysis; Complex systems theory and application.
Zhu Dan, Li Jingrou, Gao Bo. Can Audit Opinions Predict the Persistence of Earnings? Journal of Nanjing Audit University. 2019,16(06):19-28.(In Chinese)
Gao Bo, Yu Shuxia. Impacts of Successful Probility and Innovation Cycle on Two Innovation Models in the CAS Perspective.Science and Technology Progress and Policy. 2019,36(06):1-10.(In Chinese)
Gao Bo, Yu Shuxia. Study on the Effect of Four Enterprise Culture Characteristics on Innovation Based on Multi-agent Models. Science and Technology Progress and Policy. 2017,34(19):82-86.(In Chinese)
Gao Bo, Qin Xuecheng. The Evaluation System and Approach for Sustainable Development Ability in SMEs. Statistics and Decision, 2017(8) :178~181.(In Chinese)
Gao Bo. The Tactics to Promote System Thinking Abilities for Business Students. University Education. 2017(1):9~11. (In Chinese)
Gao Bo, Qin Xuecheng. The Evaluation of Sustainable Growth Ability of Enterprise Based on the Management Entropy Theory. Modernization of Management. 2015,35(6):91~93. (In Chinese)
Gao Bo, Dong Xiaolong. Study on the Market Sustainable Competitiveness of Manufacturing Enterprise Based on System Dynamics. Modernization of Management. 2015,35(3):82~83+119. (In Chinese)
Cao Xiaoxiao, Gao Bo. The Evaluation of the Sustainable Development Ability in SMEs Based on Regional Difference Coefficient. Commercial Times, 2014(24) :102~104.(In Chinese)
Gao Bo, Xie Qingyuan. Study on the Effect of Scale Economy on Government Subsidies Behavior in the Reverse Logistics. Journal of Industrial Technological Economics. 2012(2):142~146. (In Chinese)
Gao Bo, Shi Shusheng. Research on Supply Chain Coordination with Time and Price Sensitive Demands. Industrial Engineering Journal. 2011, 14(3):39~43. (In Chinese)
Gao Bo, Shi Shusheng, Wei Shiyun. Supply Chain Disruptions Management When Both Demand and Price are Response Time Sensitive. Control and Decision. 2011, 26(9):1363~1366 (In Chinese)
Gao Bo, Qu Yaping. Study on Optimization and Simulation for Production Scheduling of Vanadium Extraction-Steelmaking. Technology Economics. 2010, 29(5):114~117. (In Chinese)
Gao Bo, He xiaosong. A Supplying Chain Collaborative and Encourage Mechanism Based on the Theory of Team Works. Commercial Research. 2010 (4):55~58. (In Chinese)
Gao Bo, Fei Qi, Chen Xueguang. An Agent Architecture Model for Distributed Decision-Making. Science & Technology Progress and Policy. 2008,25(10):135-139.( In Chinese)
Gao Bo, Fei Qi. A Structural Model of Virtual Organizations Based on Resource Dependence Perspective. Chinese Journal of Management Science. 2007,15(S):596~601.( In Chinese)
Ren Zhanwei, Gao Bo, Wang jianwei. The Research of Two layer Collaborative Commerce Based on Complexity Theory. Chinese Journal of Management Science. 2007, 15(S):49~52.( In Chinese)
Gao Bo, Ren Zhanwei, Wang Jianwei. A Design Framework for Collaborative Organization within Collaborative Commerce. the 3rd Sino-US E-Commerce Advanced Forum Proceedings. Tianjin, 2006 :118-122
Gao Bo. To Practice and To Improve——The Innovative Thinking in Project Research. Journal of Chongqing Institute of Technology. 2006, 20(12):172-173.( In Chinese)
Gao Bo, Fei Qi. Mapping Real World into MAS World——Discussion on Complex Systems Modeling Based on MAS. Studies in Science of Science. 2005,23(2):179-183.( In Chinese)
Gao Bo, Fei Qi, Chen Xueguang. Exploiting Object-Oriented Methodologies to Model MAS on Organizations. ACM Software Engineering Notes. 2002, 27(1):58~62.
Gao Bo, Fei Qi, Chen Xueguang. A Modeling Method of MAS Based on Extended UML. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics. 2002, 24(5):70~74.( In Chinese)
Gao Bo, Fei Qi, Chen Xueguang. A Construction Way of MAS Based on Organization Theory. Journal of Systems Science & Systems engineering. 2002, 11(1):111~117.
Gao Bo, Fei Qi, Chen Xueguang. The Hierarchical Model on Agent Interaction. Computer Science, 2001, 28(8):105~109.(In Chinese)
Gao Bo, Fei Qi, Chen Xueguang. The Basic Architecture of Deliberative Agent. Journal of Huazhong Univ. of Science & Technology, 2001, 29(2):25~27 (In Chinese)
Gao Bo, Fei Qi, Chen Xueguang. Agent Interaction Mechanism in an Open Environment. The 6th International conference for Younger Computer Scientists, Hangzhou, Zhejiang. 2001.10:1120~1123.( In Chinese)
Gao Bo, Fei Qi, Chen Xueguang. A Discussion on Complex Systems Modeling Method Based on MAS, Second International Symposium on Intelligent and Complex Systems, Wuhan, Hubei. 2001.10
Gao Bo. The organization of EIS information. Computer and Information Technology, 1998, 6(3) (In Chinese)
Gao Bo, Chen Xueguang, Fei Qi. The Technology of Data Mining in EIS. Journal of Huazhong Univ. of Science & Technology, 1998, 26(5): 78~80 (In Chinese)
Gao Bo, Zhu Desen. A General Method to Make Two-Dimension Forms. Computer and Information Technology, 1996, 4(4) (In Chinese)
Gao Bo. Enterprise Organizational Sustainability From the Point View of Complex Systems Theory. Beijing: Science Press. 2021.4.
Gao Bo. Agent Organization Theory and Collaborative Commerce. Beijing: Economic Science Press. 2007.8. 1ed.
Xiao Zhi, Zhong Bo, Gao Bo. Applied Statistics Experiments. Chongqing: Chongqing University Press. 2007.5.1ed.
Grants and Awards
Study on Organizational Sustainability From the Point View of Complex Systems Theory. Supported by: China National Social Science Foundation. (Dec. 2013 - Dec. 2018)
The Courses Optimization to Promote System Thinking Abilities for Business Students. Supported by: Chongqing University Reform of Education and Teaching. (Sep. 2013- Dec. 2016)
Research on Organizational Sustainability Based on Complex Systems Theory. Supported by: Research Funds for the Central Universities. (Dec. 2012 – Dec. 2016)
Collaboration Mechanism in The Environment of Collaborative e-Commerce. Supported by: Chongqing Natural Science Foundation. (Oct. 2006 – Oct. 2008)
Complex Management Systems Modeling and Simulation Based on the Construction of Agent Organizations. Supported by: China Postdoctors Science Foundation. (Feb. 2004 – Feb. 2006)
Market Research on Campus Communication Products in Chongqing. Supported by: China Telecom Corp. Chongqing Branch. (Feb. 2005 – Apr. 2005)
Town Unemployment Monitor and Evaluation System in Sanxia Area. Supported by: Chongqing city government. (Nov. 2006 – Feb. 2007)
The Integrated Model and Application of Dynamic Pricing and Production/Stock Considering Customers Rational Behaviors in Competitive Environment. Supported by: China Natural Science Foundation. (Jan. 2006 – Dec. 2008)
The Intelligent Monitor and Evaluation System on Imports and Exports Information in Chongqing. Supported by: Chongqing city government. (Jan.2008 – Dec. 2008)
Organizational Decision Support Systems Based on Distributed Supply Chains Management. Supported by: China Nature Science Foundation. (Jan.2002 - Dec. 2005)
An Experimental Agile Logistics and Supply System. Supported by: China National Ministry of Education. (Oct.2000 - Dec. 2002)
Knowledge Based Distributed Modeling Theory and Realization. Supported by: China Nature Science Foundation. (Jan.1998)
The Three Gorges Project Cement and Fly-Ash Dispatching Information System (TGP-CFADIS). Supported by: China Three Gorges Project Corporation. (Jan.1998 - Oct. 1999).
MBA Program:
Data modeling and decision; Management Information Systems
BA Program:
Systems engineering
Applied Statistics