Department of Finance
Li Chunhong
Mon, Nov 13 2017 02:26 AM click:

Name : LI Chunhong

Department : Department of Finance

Title : Associate Professor

Degree : Ph.D.

Phone :



2003-present,Associate Professor,School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University

1996-2003, Lecturer, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University


Ph. D. (Decision Sciences), Chongqing University,School of Economics and Business Administration, December 2008.

M. Phil., Chongqing University,School of Economics and Business Administration, July 1994.

A. B., Chongqing University,School of Economics and Business Administration, July 1991.

Research Interests

Financial Markets and Investment Theory

Energy Technology and Economics


LI Chun-hong; WANG Yuan-ping; ZHENG Zhi-dan, The Path Analysis of The Dual Principal-agent Problem Affects the Over-investment of Listed Companies: Based on the Two-tier Heterogeneity Stochastic Frontier Model, ,Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2014.11

Li Chun-hong; Xu Kui, The Size of Shadow Bank and the Stability of Banking System, Commercial Research, 2014.03

Li Chun-hong, DONG Xiao-liang, An Empirical Research on the Interest Rate Risk Management of Chinese Commercial Banks, East China Economic Management, 2012.04

Song Zengji, Li Chunhong and Lu Yihong, Board of Directors, Product Market Competition and Firm Performance: Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Research, Management Review, 2009.09

Song Zeng-ji LI Chun-hong, A Quantitative Analysis on the Impact of Economic Growth on Oil Demand and World Oil Price, Journal of International Trade, 2009.05

Zhou yong; Li chunhhong; Zhang tao, Urbanization of Rural Population in the Perspective of Comprehensive Reforms to Balanced Development between Rural and Urban Areas: Discussion on Chongqing Mode, Chinese Public Administration, 2008.10

Li chunhong. Wang xinyong, Analysis on impact of uncertain state of world to the incentive intensity in common agency theory,Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology,2007.12

Song Zeng-ji,LI Chun-hong, DEA efficiency analysis of Chinese insurance companies, Journal of Systems Engineering, 2007.01

Teaching (2011-2016)

MBA Program:

Managerial Economics, 3 terms, 140 teaching hours

BA Program:

Securities Investment, 6 terms, 248 teaching hours

Investments, 1 terms, 40 teaching hours

MF Program:

Financial Economic, 1 terms, 32teaching hours

Managerial Economics, 1 terms, 44 teaching hours

