Department of Finance
Zhou Xiaohua
Mon, Nov 13 2017 02:26 AM click:

Name : ZHOU Xiaohua

Department : Department of Finance

Title : Professor

Degree : Ph.D.

Phone : 86-23-65122756



Dec.2001-present: Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor, School of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University

June.2008-June.2009: visiting scholar, School of Business Administration Valparaiso University, and Chicago University, U.S.A

Jan.2001-Dec.2001: Chief Economist/Manager, Investment Bank of GUANGZHOU SECURITY CO.

1990-2000: Lecturer, Associate Professor, School of Business Administration Guilin Electronic Technology University


1997-2000: School of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University PH.D.

Specialty: Business Administration

1987-1990: Dept. of Economics Guangxi University, graduate student

Specialty: Mathematical Economics

1983-1987: Dept. of Mathematics Hunan Normal University, undergraduate student

Specialty: Mathematics

Research Interests

IPO; Finance Market; Risk Management; Security Investment


More than 50 papers have been published, and the representative has the following several papers:

Zhou Xiaohua, Jiang Ting, Dong Yaowu. The IPO price formation and demands shading study in two-stage bookbuilding. Journal of Systems Engineering, 2013.4

Zhou Xiaohua, Zhang Baoshuai, Dong Yaowu. Risk measurement of financial portfolio based on Copula-SV-GPD model. Journal of Management Sciences in China, 2012.12

Zhou Xiaohua, Dong Yaowu, Jiang Ting. Extreme risk measurement based on EVT-POT-SV-GED model. Journal of Systems Engineering, 2012.4

Dong Yaowu, Zhou Xiaohua, Jiang Ting. Extreme risk measurement based on EVT-POT-SV-MT model. Journal of Industrial Engineering /Engineering Management, 2012.1

Zhou Xiaohua, Xiong Weiqing, Meng Weidong. Optimal Auction strategy and net under-pricing in IPO book-building system. Journal of Management Sciences in China, 2009.8

Zhou Xiaohua, Zhao Weike, Liu Xing. The compare research for IPO pricing efficiency between approving system and examining system in China stock market. Management World, 2006.11

Zhou Xiaohua, Lin Jiaqiang, Liu Xing. The empirical analysis for the relation to the price of rights and VaR of secondary market in China listed company. Management World, 2006.6

Du Juntao, Zhou Xiaohua, Yang Xiutai. An empirical study on China stock market IPOs long-term performance. China Soft Science, 2003.11

Du Juntao, Zhou Xiaohua, Yang Xiutai. The model of pricing and underpricing of IPOs for state-owned holding company. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2003.12

Zhou Xiaohua, Song Kun, Yang Xiutai. Anomaly of multifractal spectrum before and after stock price continuously fluctuating and its analyses. Journal of Industrial Engineering /Engineering Management, 2006.6


Zhou Xiaohua, Du Juntao. A Study on IPO Pricing and Underpricing of Stock Company. China financial and Economic Publishing House, 2007.3

Zhou Xiaohua, Xiong Weiqing. A Study on IPO Underpricing Based on Behavioral Finance. China financial and Economic Publishing House, 2007.12

Zhou Xiaohua,Xiong Hu. Distributing-mechanism, Investor’s Behavior, Aftermarket-liquidity and IPO Price. China financial and Economic Publishing House, 2009.5

Zhou Xiaohua, Zhou Qing. Risk Management and Measurement of Investment and Financing Platform of Local Government—Based on the empirical study of Chongqing’s IFPLG. Economic management press, 2012.1

Zhou Xiaohua, Nan Xuguang. Economics and social life. Foreign language teaching and Research Press, 2012.8

Grants and Awards

More than 30 projects have been finished, and the representative has the following several projects:

The research on investment and financing platform for risk control and strategy transformation in Rongchang Chongqing. Enterprise cooperation

Research on the construction and management of occupation welfare lottery in Chongqing. Enterprise cooperation

Research on Chongqing rural financing guarantee mode and system innovation. Enterprise cooperation

Research on the operating mode of the local assets Management companies. Enterprise cooperation

Research on the development path of ecological environment in Jiulongpo District in Chongqing. Humanities and social science and soft science project of other departments

Research and design on investment and financing platform of Jiangjin District. Enterprise cooperation

Research on IPO pricing for issue and listed high-tech company. Enterprise cooperation

Research on IPO and capital operation strategy of Chongqing Bus Ltd. Enterprise cooperation

Immigrant construction and financing of new industrialization in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. The provincial and ministerial level subject

Research on the coordinated development of coal mining enterprises and mining area in Chongqing. The provincial and ministerial level subject

Research on improvement of the administration and supervision system for state-owned assets in Guangdong. the provincial and ministerial level subject

Research on IPOs under-pricing, Long-term underperformance and pricing based on the examination and approval system. The National Natural Science Foundation of China


BA Programs:

Investment Banking Practice, 3 terms, 120 teaching hours

Professional Front Lectures, 1 term, 8 teaching hours

Master of Finance Program:

Enterprise M & A and Case Study,2 terms, 64 teaching hours

MA Program:

Securities Investment,5 terms, 158 teaching

MBA Programs:

Securities Investment, 4 terms, 140 teaching hours

Investment and Financing Management, 3 terms, 64 teaching hours

MPACC Programs:

Investment, 1 term, 32 teaching hours

PHD Programs:

Modern Theory of Investment, 4 terms, 36 teaching hours

Modern Theory of Investment and Method,1 terms, 8 teaching hours

