Name : CAO Guohua Department : Department of Finance Title : Professor Degree : Ph.D. Phone : Email :caoguohua@cqu.edu.cn |
Professor of Finance (2006-present), School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University,Department of Finance
Associate Professor(2000-2006), School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University,Department of Finance
Assistant Professor(1992-2000), School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University,Department of Finance
Ph. D. (Management Sciences), School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, September 1996.
M. Phil. (Applied Mathematics), Sichuan University, September1989.
A. B. (Applied Mathematics), Anhui Normal University, September1985.
Research Interests
Finance markets, financial derivatives
Assessing the Effect of the Integration among the Urbanization and Industries Development inThree Gorges Reservoir Area in China Based on P-VAR Models (with Zhou Xiaoqin;Jiang Jingwei;Liu Xiangyan), Journal of Urban Planning and Development(2016.6)
A Hybrid Intelligent Algorithm for Optimal Birandom Portfolio Selection Problems (with Liqi and Shandan), Mathematical Problems in Engineering (2014.6)
Lgms-Foa :An Improved Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm for Solving Optimization Problems (with Shandan), Mathematical Problems in Engineering (2013.10)
The Effect of Exit Strategy on Optimal Portfolio Selection with Birandom Returns (with Shandan), Journal of Applied Mathematics (2013.1)
Relationship between Environment Policy and Technical Transformation: Industry pollution control in Three Gorges Reservoir (with Jiang Danlu), Journal of Chongqing University (2012.6)
Commercial Bank's Earnings Management and Cash Dividends Policy-Sdudy on Particularity of Listed Commercial Banks in China (with Ailin), IACMSE 20th, (2013, 11)
Teaching (2011-2016)
PHD Program:
Mathematical Finance, 4 terms, 126 teaching hours
MA Program:
Intermediate Economics, 5 terms, 120 teaching hours
MF Program:
Financial Derivatives, 5 terms, 200 teaching hours
BA Program:
Financial Derivatives, 2 terms, 96 teaching hours