Department of Applied Economics
Wed, Feb 13 2019 10:59 AM click:

Name : YUAN Rong

Department : Department of Applied Economics

Title : Professor

Degree : Ph.D.

Phone :

Email :


Yuan Rong, is the Ph.D. supervisor and professor in School of Economics and Business Administration at Chongqing University.

In July 2012, she received her bachelor degree in management at Beijing Forestry University. From March 2015 to March 2016, she studied at the Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy. In May 2018, she received her Ph.D. in Industrial Ecology from Leiden University, the Netherlands. In July 2018, she received her Ph.D. in management (Double Degree) from Tianjin University. From July 2018 to July 2019, she worked as a postdoc fellow at Leiden University, the Netherlands. In September 2018, she joined in Chongqing University as the scholar of "Hundred Talents Program".

Her main research interests are energy economics and environmental economics. Relevant research results are published in 《Energy Policy》, 《Applied Energy》 and 《Energy Economics》.

Work address

Department of Applied Economics, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, Shazhengjie Street, Shapingba District, Chongqing, Room number 822




Kong Y, Zhao T, Yuan R*, Chen C, 2019. Allocation of carbon emission quotas in Chinese provinces based on equality and efficiency principles. Journal of Cleaner Production 211, 222-232.

Chen C, Zhao T, Yuan R*, Kong Y, 2019. A spatial-temporal decomposition analysis of China’s carbon intensity from the economic perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production 215, 557-569.

Yuan R, Rodrigues JFD, Tukker A, Behrens P, 2018. Impact of the expansion in non-fossil electricity infrastructure on China’s carbon emissions. Applied Energy 228, 1994-2008.

Yuan R, Rodrigues JFD, Behrens P, 2018. Impact of non-fossil electricity on the carbon emissions embodied in China’s exports. Journal of Cleaner Production 192, 582-596.

Yuan R, Behrens P, Tukker A, Rodrigues JFD, 2018. Carbon overhead: the impact of the expansion in low-carbon electricity in China 2015-2040. Energy Policy 119, 97-104.

Yuan R, Behrens P, Rodrigues JFD, 2018. The evolution of inter-sectoral linkages in China’s energy-related CO2 emissions from 1997 to 2012. Energy Economics 69, 404-417.

Wang Y, Zhao T, Wang J, Guo F, Xu Kan, Yuan R, 2018. Spatial analysis on carbon emission abatement capacity at provincial level in China from 1997 to 2014: An empirical study based on SDM model. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 10, 97-104.

Yuan R, Zhao T, Xu J, 2017. A subsystem input-output decomposition analysis of CO2 emissions in the service sectors: a case study of Beijing, China. Environment Development and Sustainability 19, 2181-2198.

Yuan R, Zhao T, 2016. Changes in CO2 emissions from China's energy-intensive industries: a subsystem input-output decomposition analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production 117, 98-109.

Yuan R, Zhao T, 2016. A combined input-output and sensitivity analysis of CO2 emissions in the high energy-consuming industries: A case study of China. Atmospheric Pollution Research 7, 315-325.

Yuan R, Zhao T, Xu X, Kang J, 2015. Regional Characteristics of Impact Factors for Energy-Related CO2 Emissions in China, 1997-2010: Evidence from Tests for Threshold Effects Based on the STIRPAT Model. Environmental Modeling and Assessment 20,129-144.


Chongqing Social Science Planning Project: Research on the impact mechanism of renewable energy development in Sichuan-Chongqing region on GHG emission reduction potential, December 2018-December 2020.

Ancillary activities

Applied Energy, anonymous reviewer

Journal of Cleaner Production, anonymous reviewer

Energy Policy, anonymous reviewer

Energy Economics, anonymous reviewer

Ecological Indicators, anonymous reviewer

Admission requirements

I welcome students who are interested in developing research in the fields of environmental economics and energy economics and have the innovative spirit. Please contact me via email (

