Name : WU Rui Department : Department of Applied Economics Title : Associate Professor Degree : Master Phone : Email :wurui@cqu.edu.cn |
2005.12----Present, Associate Professor, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University
1995.7---2005, 12, Senior Lecturer, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University
1987—1995.12, Teaching Assistant, School of Civil Engineering Xihua University, Chengdu, China.
1991.9---1994.7, Master Degree. In department of Construction Management College, Chongqing University.
1983.7----1987.7, BE Degree, In department of Industrial and Civil Construction, Xihua University.
Research Interests
Energy Technological Economics,
Project Management
Wu,Rui, Jiang,Yan, An Investigation on the Flicker of Fluorescent Lamp Caused by Interharmonic Voltages, Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society,2011.10
Wu,Rui, Liu,Yafei, Xiao,jie. Investigation on the harmonic characteristics of residential power supply system, Chinese Journal of Engineering Design, 2014, 12
Wu,Rui, Liu,Yafei, Xiao,jie Research of Influence To Capital Investment By Market Competition of Products And Corporation Govenance, Journal of Commercial Economics, 2015.12
Wu Rui; Li Yueya ,Empirical Analysis on Relationship between Affordable Housing and High Housing Price: Based on VAR Model,Technology Economics,2011.04.
Wu Rui,Li Guangyi,Research on Investment Behavior of Listed Companies Considering Institutional Environment,Technology Economics,2009.11
Wu Rui,Yu Bo,A Contrast Study on Overinvestment Behavior of the State Owned Enterprise and Private Enterprise Based on cash flow , Accounts Monthly Magazine, 2009.01
Wu Rui, Zongyi Zhang, Guangyi Li,Weijing Han, Life,Cycle,Analysis and Choice of Nature Gas-based Automotive Alternative Fuels in China, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China,2007.03.
Wu Rui, Ren Yulong, Yong Jing, A EEE and Life Cycle Assessment of Four Natural Gas Based Automotive Fuels, Systems Engineering-theory & Practice,2004.09.
Wu Rui,Zhong Zongyi,Ren Yulong, A Life Cycle Analysis of Natural Gas Based Automotive Fuels, Industrial Engineering and Management,2004.04.
Wu Rui, Li Shirong, Ren Yulong, A Economic Analysis of the Unstandard Behaviors of the Construction Units in the Government Investment Project, Construction Economy, 2004.02.
Wu Rui, Zhou Zhuohua, He Xiaozhou, Approach to Vendors and it’s Purchasing Quantities Selection Based on Improving Market Efficiency,Journal of Chongqing University(Natural Science Edition),2003.01.
Wu Rui, A Simulative Method of Investment Decision in Real Estate Development, Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition), 2002.03.
Grants and Awards
Study on the coordination and incentive mechanism of natural gas production and cost based on market transaction (71373297)
The Economical Security Problems and Countermeasures of Natural Gas Resources in China, the key NSFC Project (71133007).
Research on differential game of Oligarchic Competition under Uncertainty Time-domain, the NSFC Project (70771118).
Research on Competition and cooperation of industrial organization in the Process of the Electric Power Market in
China, the NSFC Project (70071036).
Life, Cycle, Analysis and Choice of Nature Gas-based Automotive Alternative Fuels in China,Granted by Ford Company.
The System of Digital Project management, Granted by Chongqing University.
Investigation and Analyses on the Status of the Influence of Urban Effect on Environment in Chongqing. Granted by Chongqing Municipal Government.
Teaching (2011-2016)
B.A. Program:
Microeconomics; 1 term; 64 hours
Macroeconomics; 3 terms; 152 hours
Introduction to Economics; 2 terms; 64 hours
Energy Management; 1 term; 32 hours
Feasibility Study and Project Appraisal; 1 term; 32 hours
MBA Program: Macroeconomics; 3 terms; 108 hours
M.F. Program: Macroeconomics; 1 term; 36 hours
Energy Moving Forward Forum, 2014.9 Colorado University, Denver, USA
Edmonton's Community Energy Transition Strategy, 2015.10, Edomonton Energy Forum, Alberta Canada.
Board of Huaqiang Design Company Chongqing