Department of Applied Economics
Zhang Rong
Mon, Nov 13 2017 02:26 AM click:

Name : ZHAGN Rong

Department : Department of Applied Economics

Title : Professor

Degree : Ph.D.

Phone : 86-23-65102571


Professor of Economics Department, Sep 2007-present; Associate Professor, Sep 2000-Sep 2007; Assistant Professor, Sep 1998-Sep 2000; Postdoctor(Oct 1999 - Oct 2002), SEBA, CQU
Head of Economics Department(2008-2014), SEBA, CQU
Academic Visitor(Jul 2015-Aug 2015), Department of Economics, University of York, UK
Academic Visitor(Mar 2013-Aug 2013), Department of Economics, University of York, UK
Academic Visitor(Apr 2004-Mar 2005), School of Management, UTD, USA
Academic Visitor(Mar 1999 - Jul 1999), Department of Finance, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China

PhD (Systems Science), Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 1995-1998
M.S. (Mathematics), Beijing University of Technology, China, 1992-1995
B.S. (Mathematics), Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, China, 1988-1992

Research Interests
Economic Growth, Energy Market, Natural Gas Market, Health Economics, Differential Game, Optimal Control, Active Disturbance Rejection Control(ADRC), ANN, Symbolical Dynamics

Zaifu Yang, Rong Zhang, Zongyi Zhang, An Exploration of a Strategic Competition Model for the European Union Natural Gas Market, Energy Economics, 57, 236-242, 2016.
Zaifu Yang, Rong Zhang, Rational Addictive Behavior under Uncertainty. Discussion paper No. 14/12, 2014, Department of Economics and Related Studies, University of York.
Zhang, R. and Z. Y. Zhang, Information Structures in Generator Bidding, System Engineering Theory and Practice, 2013, 33(1):92-98, in Chinese.
Zhang, R. Parameter Computation for the Periodic Orbits of Trapezoid Maps, Journal of Sys. Sci. and Math. Sci., 2012(1):27-35, in Chinese.
Zhang, R. An Economic Interpretation of ADRC, Proceedings of the 2011 Chinese Control and Decision Conference(CCDC), 2731-2735, in English.
Zhang, R and Huang, X.X. A Differential Game Model for a Developing and a Developed Country, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2009(2):171-185, in English.
Zhang, R. and X. X. Huang, Asymmetric Generator Bidding Constrained by Cost and Demand, System Engineering Theory and Practice, 2009(1):37-43, in Chinese.
Huang X.X. and R. Zhang, Dynamic Investment Strategy with a Convex-Concave Production Function, System Engineering Theory and Practice, 2008(12):19-29, in Chinese.
Sethi, S.P., Yeh, H.M., Zhang, R., and Jardine, A., Optimal Maintenance and Replacement of Extraction Machinery, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 2008(4):416-431, in English.
Haruvy, E, A. Prasad, S. Sethi, and R. Zhang, Competition with Open Source as a Public Good, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2008(1):199-211, in English.

Grants and Awards
1. Game between Natural Gas Importing Countries with Geopolitics (SSFC, Grant No.: 16BGL136, June 2016-June 2019)
2. The New Century Excellent Talent Foundation Sponsored by Education Ministry of China, “Dynamic Equilibrium Strategy of Global Natural Gas Trade under Uncertainty”(Grant No.: NCET-12-0588, Jan 2013 – Dec 2015)
3. Nash Equilibrium in Differential Game based on ADRC(NSFC, Grant No.: 71071172, Jan 2011-Dec 2013)
4. Differential Game in Duopolistic Market with Uncertain Time Horizon(NSFC, Grant No.: 70771118, Jan 2008-Dec 2010)
5. The Theory of Multicriteria Differential Game and its Application(NSFC, Grant No.: 70371030, Jan 2004-Dec 2006)
6. Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, Sponsored by Education Ministry of China, “Bicriteria Differential Game”(Jan 2007-Dec 2008)
7. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, “Convergence Analysis for Parameter Identification by Successive Approximation Based on ADRC”(Oct 1999-Oct 2002)

1. Undergraduate: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Econometrics, Technical Economics.
2. Graduate: Intermediate Economics
3. PhD: Mathematical Economics

1. AEA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, Jan 2014.
2. 51st EWGFM Meeting, London, UK, May 2013.

