Name : HUANG Lingyun Department : Department of Applied Economics Title : Professor Degree : Ph.D. Phone : Email : |
Ph.D. (Technological Economics and Management), College of Business Administration (current School of Economics and Business Administration), Chognqing University, from September 1996 to December 2002, Supervisor: Professor Yang Xiutai
M.S. Department of Biology, Southwest China Normal University (current Southwest University), from September 1993 to July 1996, Supervisor: Professor Zhou Shie (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) and Professor Zhong Zhangcheng (Southwest University)
B.S., Department of Physics, Southwest China Normal University (current Southwest University), from September 1989 to July 1993,
Professor of Economics (July, 2011 to present), Department of Applied Economics, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University;
Visiting Scholar (January 2006 to March 2006), University of London, cooperative supervisor: Professor Liu Xiaming;
Visiting Scholar (March 2005 to December 2005), University of Surrey, cooperative supervisor: Professor Liu Xiaming;
Associate Professor (July 2003 to Jun 2011), Department of Applied Economics, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University;
Lecture (July 1998 to Jun 2003), Department of Applied Economics, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University;
Teaching Assistant (November 1996 to June 1998), Department of Applied Economics, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University;
Research Interests
Mainly engage in teaching and researching in Quantities Economics, Industrial Economics and Technological Economics and Management
[1] HUANG Ling-yun, WANG Jun. OFDI Mode Selection of China’ s Multinational Enterprises and its Influence on Labor [J]. Journal of International Trade, 2016, (06):130-142.
[2] HUANG Ling-yun, Zheng Shu-fang, Wang Jue. Research on the Decision and Evolutionary Game Analysis Based on Win-win Corporation Between Multi-National Corporation and Host Country [J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2015, (09):19-25.
[3] Huang L Y, Xie H Q. Threshold Effects of Environmental Regulation on Total Factor Energy Efficiency in China [J]. Open Fuels & Energy Science Journal, 2015, 8(1):33-37.
[4] Huang Lingyun, Wang Lihua, Liu Shu. Study on Japan-EU EPA's Effect on China, Japan and the EU: The General Equilibrium Analysis based on GTAP-Dyn [J]. World Economy Studies, 2015, (01):102-111+129.
[5] HUANG Ling-yun, YANG Na. The Impact of Foreign Merger and Acquisition on Enterprises Export Behavior and Technology: Based on Propensity Score Reweighting Estimator [J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2014, (12):34-40.
[6] Huang Lingyun, Luo Qin, Liu Xiaming. The Market Effects of Chinese OFDI: an ownership approach [J]. Journal of International Trade, 2014, (12):125-135.
[7] HUANG Lingyun, ZHANG Man, HUANG Xiuxia, RAN Maosheng. Spatial Econometrics Analysis on Western China’s Undertaking Capacity of Regional Industrial Transfer [J]. Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition), 2014, (04):1-9.
[8] HUANG Ling-yun, YANG Na, WANG Jue. Research on the Impact of Cultural Characteristics and Conflicts on Chinese Enterprises OFDI Investment Strategy [J]. Economic Science,2014,(03):114-128.
[9] Huang Lingyun, Wu Weiqiong. FDI Technology Spillover and Technology Gap Threshold Effect: Based on Empirical Research of China’s Industrial Enterprise [J]. Finance & Economics, 2013, (03):52-59.
[10] HUANG Ling-yun, HUANG Xiu-xia. The Impact of BRICs Cooperation on the Five Countries and the Global Economy: An Empirical Study Based on GTAP model [J]. Economist, 2012, (04):77-85.
[11] Lingyun Huang, Xiaming Liu, Lei Xu. Regional Innovation and Spillover Effects of Foreign Direct Investment in China: A Threshold Approach [J]. Regional Studies, 2012, 46(5):583-596.
[12] HUANG Ling-yun, ZHANG Xiang-yu, LIU Xia-ming. Research on the Evolution of Multinational Subsidiary Strategic Role Strategy in China [J]. East China Economic Management, 2011, (06):119-123.
[13] HUANG Ling-yun, LI Xing, BAO Yi. Measurement and analysis of technical efficiency of China's manufacturing industry [J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2011, (04):115-120.
[14] HUANG Ling-yun, LI Xing. Impact of US intending to Impose Carbon Tariffs on Chinese Economy: Based on Empirical Analysis of GTAP Model [J]. Journal of International Trade, 2010, (11):93-98.
[15] Luo Yanru, Ran Maosheng, Huang Lingyun. Empirical Study on Efficiency of China′s Regional Technical Innovation: An Application of Three-stage DEA Model [J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2010, (14):20-24.
[16] Ran Maosheng, Tian Dan, Huang Lingyun, Kan Lei. The Impact of the Nature of Controlling Shareholders on Non Efficiency Investment in Listed Companies: An Empirical Study Based on Listed Companies in China [J]. Modern Management Science, 2010, (06):64-65.
[17] Huang Lingyun, Zhu Junkai, Li xing. Effect of the Sino -US Special Protectionist Tariff on Tire Industry and Macro-economy in China: General Equilibrium Analysis Based on GTAP Model [J]. Technology Economics, 2010, (04):100-104.
[18] HUANG Ling-yun, XU Lei, CHENG Mingqing. An Empirical Study on the Technology Spillovers of Import Trade in China [J]. Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition), 2010,(01):53-58.
[19] RAN Maosheng, PENG Wenwei, HUANG Lingyun. The Relationship between the Separation of Cash Flow Right and Control Right and Firms’ R&D Investment [J]. Science of Science and Management of S.& T., 2010, (01):133-136.
[20] Ran Maosheng, Luo Yanru, Huang Lingyun. Analysis of Euro Exchange Rate Volatility: Based on Fractal Theory [J]. Statistics & Decision, 2009, (24):138-139.
[21] Huang Lingyun, Bao Yi. The Influence of Institutional Features and FDI on the Technological Efficiency of China’s Manufacturing Industry: An Analysis on Industrial Data [J]. Economist, 2009, (11):22-29.
[22] Ran Maosheng, Zhou Shu, Huang Lingyun. Application of SVM Model in Financial Early Warning: Based on DEA Index [J]. Statistics & Decision, 2009, (20):143-145.
[23] Huang Lingyun, Xu Lei, Ran Maosheng. FDI Regional Distribution Difference and Regional Economic Difference: An Analysis Based on the Regional Difference of TFP [J]. Science and Technology Management Research, 2009, (10):158-161.
[24] Zhong Haiyan, Ran Maosheng, Huang Lingyun. Research on Development Motivation: Based on Enterprise R&D Technology Selection [J]. Science and Technology Management Research, 2009, (08):437-439.
[25] HUANG Ling-yun, XU Lei, RAN Mao-sheng. The Financial Development, FDI and Technical Progress: An Threshold Model Analysis Based on the Inter-Province Panel Data in China [J]. Journal of Industrial Engineering Engineering Management, 2009, (03):16-22.
[26] Xu Lei, Huang Lingyun. Technology spillovers of FDI and its threshold effect of regional innovation capability: An empirical analysis [J]. Science Research Management, 2009, (02):16-25.
[27] HUANG Ling-yun, XU Lei. The Influence of International Trade Technology Spillovers to China: an GTAP Analysis on the Industrial Finished Products Sector [J]. Journal of International Trade, 2009, (03):104-110.
[28] Ran Mao-sheng, Luo Fu-bi, Huang Ling-yun. Evolutionary Game Analysis on Executives' Information Disclosure Based on Stock-based Compensation [J]. Journal of Industrial Engineering Engineering Management, 2009, (01):139-142.
[29] HUANG Ling-yun, LIU Qing-hua. Research on the Impact of Constructing FTA in East Asia on China’s Economy: Based on the Empirical Analysis of the GTAP Model [J]. Journal of International Trade, 2008, (12):60-68.
[30] RAN Maosheng, LIU Xianfu, HUANG Lingyun. High-Technology Firm's Stock Incentives and R&D Expenditures: A Contract Model [J]. Soft Science, 2008, (11):27-30.
[31] Chen Gang, Yin Xiguo, Huang Lingyun. Import Trade, Technology Spillover and Endogenous Economic Growth [J]. Economic Review, 2008, (03):34-40.
[32] HUANG Ling-yun, FAN Yan-xia, XU Lin. Technology Spillovers from International Trade and FDI [J]. Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition), 2007, (12):125-130.
[33] Huang Lingyun, Yang Wen. Technology Spillover, Absorptive Capacity of Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth [J]. Economic Review, 2007, (05):72-75.
[34] Huang Lingyun, Chen Mingqiang, Chen Gang. The Regional Differences of Foreign Direct Investment and China’s Imports and Exports Trade :Based on the Unit Root Tests, Cointegration Tests and Granger Causality Tests in Panel Data [J]. World Economy Studies, 2007, (08):57-62+87-88.
[35] Huang Lingyun, Zhang Wei. Empirical Analysis and Simulation on the Establishment of Free Trade Area on China, Japan and Korea [J]. Modern Finance and Economics-Journal of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, 2007, (04):36-38+56.
[36] HUANG Ling-yun, FAN YAN-xia, Liu Xia-ming. Technology Spillovers of FDI Based on Host’s Absorptive Capacity: An Empirical Analysis [J]. China Soft Science, 2007, (03):30-34.
[37] Huang Lingyun, Gao Feng. Review on the Research of Technology Spillover Effect [J]. Northern Economy, 2006, (20):117-118.
[38] Ran Maosheng, Chen Jian, Huang Lingyun, Huang Ping. A Study on RMB Real Exchange Rate Misalignment: 1994~2004 [J]. The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, 2005, (11):45-50.
[39] RAN Mao-sheng, ZHANG Zong-yi, HUANG Ling-yun. Analysis on the Track of Chinese Financial Development and Economic Growth [J]. Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition), 2003, (06):133-137+156.
[40] LONG Yong, HUANG Ling-yun, XIONG Wei-qin. A Short-term Analysis of the Motive of Strategic Cooperation of Firms under the Condition of Limited Open Competition[J]. Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition), 2003, (06):146-148.
[41] HUANG Ling-yun, YANG Xiu-tai, RAN Mao-sheng. An Analysis on China’s factor Biased Technological Progress by Embodied Spillovers from North America [J]. China Soft Science, 2003, (06):110-114.
[42] Huang Lingyun, Pu Yongjian. An Analysis of the Technology Spillover of Japan to China[J]. The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, 2003, (06):110-114.
[43] HUANG Ling-yun, YANG Xiu-tai. An Analysis on China Neutral Technological Progress by Embodied Spillovers from North America [J]. Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition), 2002, (11):5-8.
[44] HUANG Ling-yun, PU Yong-jian. An Analysis on the Efficiency of Embodied Spillover between North America and Japan to China[J]. Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition), 2002, (11):16-18.
[45] Huang Lingyun, Yang Xiutai. Economic Analysis of R&D Social Rate of Return [J]. Technoeconomics & Management Research, 2002, (05):61.
[46] HUANG Ling-yun, PU Yong-jian. Efficiency of Embodied Technology Spillovers[J]. Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition), 2002, (05):124-126+135.
[47] Ran Maosheng, Huang Lingyun, Zhang Zongyi. Financial Market and Economic Growth: The Endogenous Mechanism of Financial Intermediation and Economic Growth [J]. Technoeconomics & Management Research, 2002, (01):90-91.
[48] HUANG Ling-yun, YANG Xai-tai. New Economy and Chinese Economic Growth [J]. Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition), 2000, (03):35-38.
[49] HUANG Ling-yun, YANG Xai-tai. Study on the Agency and Incentive Mechanism of State-owned Enterprise [J]. Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition), 2000, (01):38-41.
[50] Huang Lingyun, Pu Yongjian, Yang Xiutai. Research on Chinese R&D strategy [J]. Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition), 1999, (S1):61-63.
Grants and Awards
[1] Research on Oversea Investment Strategy and Dynamic Mechanism of Chinese Multinational Enterprises Based on the phenomenon of “Low-locked” in Global Value Chain, sponsored by The National Social Science Fund, Project Leader, 2014.5-2016.12
[2] A Study on the Relationship of the Asset and Governance of Strategic Alliance Based on TCE and RBT, sponsored by Natural Science Foundation of China Project, Main Researcher, 2012.1—2015.12
[3] Mechanism and Policy of Threshold Effect of Reverse Technology Spillover in China (NO.CDJSK 10 00 61), sponsored by The Central University Basic Scientific Research Fund, Project Leader, 2010.06-2012.05
[4] Research on the Policy of Technology Spillover Threshold Effect (NO.CQDXWL-2012-181), sponsored by The Central University Basic Scientific Research Fund, Project Leader, 2012.10-2014.09.
[5] Research on International Technology Spillover’s Dynamic Threshold Effect and its Policy (NO.70603035), sponsored by Natural Science Foundation of China Project, Project Leader, 2007.01-2009.12
[6] Empirical Research on International Technology Spillover’s Threshold Effect, sponsored by the Scientific Research Starting Foundation for Returned Overseas Scholars, Ministry of Education. Project Leader
[7] Research on Reasonable Use and Optimization of Rural Land and its Policy under Overall Urban-Rural Development, NO.09YJA79020, Main Researcher, 2009.12-2012.12
[8] The Impact of Technological Progress on Industrial Structure Adjustment in Chongqing and Respond Strategy. Soft Science Research Program of Chongqing Science and Technology Commission, NO.2008-JJ05, Main Researcher, 2008.11-2009.11
[9] Volatility of RMB Exchange Rate, Trade Competitive Advantage and Industrial Structure Optimization in Chongqing—Based on General Equilibrium Model. Chongqing Philosophy and Social Science Project. NO.2008-JJ05, Main Researcher, 2008.11-2009.11
[10] Research on Financing Model of Innovation Government in Yongchuan District of Chongqing. Social Science and Soft Science Project of other department, Main Reseacher, 2010/05-2011.04
[11] Consulting Research of Economic and Social Development in Yongchuan, Chongqing. The Third Prize of the Second Development Research of Chongqing held by Chongqing Municipal People’s Government. 2010
[12] The Impact of Technological Progress on Industrial Structure Adjustment and its policy. Soft Science Research Program of Chongqing Science and Technology Commission, The Third Prize of the Third Development Research of Chongqing held by Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, 2011
Teaching (2011-2016)
MA Program:
Microeconomics,4 terms, 114 teaching hours
MBA Program:
Management economics,3 terms, 148 teaching hours
BA Program:
Microeconomics,7 terms, 448 teaching hours
Regulatory Economics,1 terms, 32 teaching hours
Introduction to economics,1 terms, 48 teaching hours