Department of Accounting
Xin Qingquan
Mon, Nov 13 2017 01:57 AM click:

Name : Xin Qingquan

Department : Department of Accounting

Title : Professor

Degree : Ph.D.

Phone : 86-23-65122776


Head of Department of Accounting, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, 2014-present
Professor, Department of Accounting, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, 2013-present
Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, 2009-2013
Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, 2007-2009
Senior Research Assistant, Department of Accounting, City University of Hong Kong, 2007-2008

Ph.D., Accounting, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangdong, China, 06/2007
M.S., Accounting, Fuzhou University, Fujian, China, 06/2004
B.A., Accounting, Jiangxi Agriculture University, Jiangxi, China, 06/1998.

Research Interests
Corporate Governance, Financial Accounting Information, and Corporate Finance

Selected Papers
English peer-reviewed Journals
Ke, Bin., Lennox, Clive., and Xin, Qingquan, 2015, The effect of China's weak institutional environment on the quality of Big Four audits. The Accounting Review, 90:1591-1619

Firth Michael, Sonia Wiong, Qingquan Xin, and Ho Yin Yick, 2016, Regulatory sanctions on independent directors and their consequences to the director labor market: Evidence from China, Journal of Business Ethics, 134:693-708.

Hu,Fang, Weiqiang Tan, Qingquan Xin, and Sixian Yang, 2013, How Do Market Forces Affect Executive Compensation in Chinese State-owned Enterprises? China Economic Review 25,78-87.

Firth Michael, Paul Malatesta, Qingquan Xin, and Liping Xu, 2012, Corporate investment, government control, and financing channels, Journal of Corporate Finance 18, 433-450.

WANG Bing, and Qingquan XIN, 2011,Auditor choice and accruals pattern of cross-listing firms, China Journal of Accounting Research (Elsevier) 4(4), 233-251.

Xin Qingquan, and Huang Kun, 2009, Audit Regulation, Modified Audit Opinions and Auditor Conservatism, China Accounting and Finance Review 11(1), 90-120

Chinese peer-reviewed Journals
Zhou Jing, Xin Qingquan, 2017, Do Pyramidal Layers Lower the Political Costs of SOEs?——An Empirical Study Based on Managers’ Incentives, Journal of Finance and Economics ( in Chinese) 1:29-40.

Wang Yanchao, Jiang Guohua, and Xin Qingquan, 2016, Litigation Risks, Legal Environment and Cost of Debt, Accounting Research ( in Chinese) 6:30-37.

Liu Xing, Zhang Chao, Xin Qingquan, 2016, Financial Constraints or Demand Shocks? An Examination on Corporate Investment in China’s Listed Firms During the Financial Crisis, Journal of Financial Research ( in Chinese) 11:80-95.

Xin Qingquan, Li Qianqian, Tang Yiheng, 2016, Does Going Public Affect Bank Performance in China, Quarterly Journal of Finance ( in Chinese) 10(2):19-34.

Xin Qingquan, Li Qianqian, Liang Zhengshan, 2015, Stock Liquidity, Liquidity Risk and Corporate Transparency, Luojia Management Review ( in Chinese) 1:76-91.

Xin Qingquan, Lin Bin, and Yang Deming, 2007, Estimation of Return on Capital Investment and Analysis of Affecting Factors in China: Evidence from China’s Listed Companies, China Quarterly of Economics( in Chinese)6: 1143-1164.

Xin Qingquan, Lin Bin, and Wang Yanchao, 2007, Government Control, Executive Compensation and Capital Investment, Economic Research Journal ( in Chinese) 8: 110-122.

Xin Qingquan, Zheng Guojian, and Yang Deming, 2007, Business Groups, Government Control and Investment Efficiency, China Journal of Financial Research ( in Chinese) 10: 123-143.

Xin Qingquan, 2009, Government Control, Capital Investment and Corporate Governance, Beijing, China: Economic Science Press.

Grants and Awards
The National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant for Research 2013-2016 for the project entitled “Going public of banks, loan contract,and efficiency of credit allocation”, Project No.71272087. Principal investigator.
The National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant for Research 2009-2011 for the project entitled “Cross Listing, Government Control and the Adaptation of Corporate Governance”, Projects No. 70802067, Principal investigator.

Teaching (2011-2016)
B.A. Program: Finance Management; 2 terms; 96 hours
Intermediate Financial Accounting; 6 terms; 336 hours
Fundamental Accounting; 2 terms; 96 hours
Accounting Simulation Experimentation 1; 2 terms; 48 hours
Accounting Simulation Experimentation Ⅱ; 1 term; 24 hours
M.A Program: Basic Accounting; 1 term; 20 hours
Accounting empirical Research Method; 1 term; 32 hours
MPACC Program: Business & Professional Ethics for Accountants; 6 terms; 192 hours

2016 “Shuanqing Forum” of the National Natural Science Foundation, Chengdu, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics.
2016 The 23rd Annual Academic Meeting of China Accounting Society among High Engineering Institutes, Lanzhou, Lanzhou University of Technology.
2016 Seminar on Construction of Government Auditing Discipline, Nanjing, Nanjing Audit University.
2015 Annual Meeting of China Journal of Accounting Research, Changsha, Hunan University.
2014 The 2nd Conference on Institutions and Governance: A Multidisciplinary Approach, Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
2013 China International Conference in Finance, Regulatory sanctions on independent directors and their consequences to the director labor market: Evidence from China.
2012 China International Conference in Finance, Collateral, Leverage, and Corporate Investment.
China Journal of Accounting Research - Summer Research Workshop, 2010, Auditor choice and accruals pattern of cross-listing firms.
American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, 2009, How Do Market Forces Affect Executive Compensation in Chinese State-owned Enterprises?

Practice and Service
From December 2014 to the Present,Serving as an Independent Director in Chongqing Iron & Steel Company Limited.

