Name : Li Shixin Department : Department of Accounting Title : Associate Professor Degree : Ph.D. Phone : 86-65106142 Email :lishixin@cqu.edu.cn |
Associate Professor of Accounting (2004-Present), School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University;
Lecturer of Accounting (1999-2003), School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University.
Doctor Degree (Mechanical Engineering), School of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University, December 2003;
Master Degree (Accounting), School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, June 1999;
Bachelor Degree (International Commerce), School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, June 1996.
Research Interests
Financial Accounting and Management Accounting
Li Shixin, Ke Pei. Financial Fraud and Investment Spillover of Peer Companies. Communication of Finance and Accounting, 2015, (23): 27-29.
Li Shixin, Chen Yanying. Financial Condition, Investment Value and Operating Cash Flow Manipulation. Communication of Finance and Accounting, 2015, (9): 90-93.
Li Shixin, Lu Yanting. Financial Characteristics, Accounting Conservatism and Value of Cash Holdings. Friends of Accounting, 2014, (26): 72-75.
Li Shixin, Song Guoyu. Growth Opportunity, Institutional Investor Heterogeneity and Accounting Conservatism. Communication of Finance and Accounting, 2013, (30): 14-16.
Li Shixin, Liu Liu. The Influence of Political Connection Background of Listed Companies on Accounting Conservatism: A Study Based on Different levels of Political Connection. Friends of Accounting, 2013, (4): 8-13.
Li Shixin, Qiu Yue. Political Connection, Over-investment and Social Benefits. Journal of Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, 2012, (6): 57-6.
Li Shixin, Liu Xingcui. Market Reaction and Intra-industry Transfer Effect of Financial Restatements of Listed Companies. Management Review, 2012, (5): 28-32.
Li Shixin, Liu Ning. The Influence of Financial Flexibility on Accounting Conservatism: A Study Based on Financial Decision of Enterprises. 2012, (3): 3-7.
Li Shixin, Yu Lizi. Auditor Change and Accounting Conservatism. Friends of Accounting, 2012, (1): 104-105.
Li Shixin, Chen Weiwei. Empirical Study of the Influence of Earnings Management on the Internal Investment Decisions of Listed Companies. Finance and Accounting Monthly, 2011, (15): 10-12.
Li Shixin, Zhang Yan. Surplus Management,Signal Transmitting and R&D Outlay Capitalization. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2011, (5): 14-19.
Lishixin, Liu Xingcui. An Empirical Study on the Market Reaction to Financial Restatment Announcements of Listed Companies. Shanghai Management Science, 2011, (1): 28-32.
Li Shixin, Qin Changshun. Deferred Income Tax Liability: Liabilitiy or Equity? Finance and Accounting Monthly, 2010, (30): 6-8.
Li Shixin, Tu Lin. Empirical Study on the Incentive Effect of Senior Executives of list Companies in SME Board. Communication of Finance and Accounting, 2010, (24): 9-11.
Li Shixin, He Fangmei. The Measurement of Accounting Conservastism Based on the Relationship between Accruals and Cash flow. Communication of Finance and Accounting, 2010, (16): 43-44.
Zhu Dan, Liu Xing, Li Shixin. The Decision-Usefulness of Fair Value: An Economic Approach. Accouting Research, 2010, (6): 84-90.
He Jiang, Li Shixin. Study on the Market Reactions of Stock Right Incentive of Listed Companies. Friends of Accounting, 2010, (4): 88-90.
Li Shixin, Zhang Xueyan. Abnormal Cash Holding and It’s Impact on Firm Value of Listed Firms. Finance and Accounting Monthly, 2010, (3): 70-73.
Shi Henggui, Li Shixin and Xiong Yunlian. Fair Value Accounting and Investment Behavior Alienation—Based on Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Test of not Fully Effective Market. Collected Essays on Finance and Economics, 2010, (3): 79-85.
Li Shixin, Xie Lina. Analysis and Comparison of the Measurement Approaches for Earnings Management. Finance and Accounting Monthly, 2009, (8): 85-86.
Li Shixin, Xie Lina. Review on Empirical Studies of the Relevance of Fair Value. Communication of Finance and Accounting, 2009, (3): 49-51.
Li Shixin, Zhao Dan. An Empirical Study on the Market Reaction to Loan Announcements of Listed Companies in China. Finance and Accounting Monthly, 2008, (14): 31-33.
Li Shixin, Wu Xiaolan. Networked Audit Evidence Acquisition Mode Based on XBRL and Web Services. Productivity Research, 2006, (11): 253-257.
Li Shixin, Yang Jiuli and Liu Bin. Influence of Voluntary Accounting Changes on Enterprise Value – a Discussion Based on Impairment Provision. Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition), 2006, (5): 135-137.
Li Shixin, Liu Bin and Song Yi. Analytical Sampling Method Based on Confidence Model. Statistics and Decision, 2005, (17): 4-5.
Li Shixin, Huang Lijin and Liu Bin. Cost Estimation Method for Customized Products Base on Standard Activity Costs. Statistics and Decision, 2005, (1): 137-138.
Liu Bin, Liu Xing, Li Shixin and Simmon Ho. An Empirical Study on the Mutual Effect between CEO's Pay and the Firm's Performance. Accounting Research, 2003, (3): 35-39.
Li Shixin, Liu Fei, Liu Jun and Yang Yu. Gaming Study on the Cooperation between Supply Chain Enterprises. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2003, (2): 123-128.
Liu Bin, Liu Xing and Li Shixin. Integrating Mechanism of Standard Costs, Activity-Based Costs and Inner Transfer Prices. Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition), 2002, (11): 67-70.
Li Shixin, Yang Yu and Liu Fei. Study on the Product Description Method for Networked Customization. Journal of Materials Processing technology, 2002, (1-3): 568-573.
Network Finance (with Meng Weidong, Liu Bin, etc.), China Publishing House of Electronic Industry, 2010.
Modern Managerial Technique for Manufacturing Enterprises(with Hu Jiaqi, Wang Renhua, etc.), China Machine Press, 2004.
Grants and Awards
Third Lecture Competition Award, Chongqing University in 2008.
Second Scientific and Technological Progress Award, Ministry of Education, 2004.
Practice and Service
Chinese Certified Public Accountant;
Member of Chongqing Accounting Society;
Financial Consultant of Chongqing Communication Financing Guaranty Co. Ltd. ;
Tutor of National Training Program of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Undergraduates;
Training Session for Executives: Accounting Policy Choices and Financial Statement Analysis;
Consulting Project: The Co-construction Mode and Benefit Evaluation of Li-Pan Highway.
MBA Program:
Accounting, 4 terms, 184 teaching hours;
BA Program:
Cost Accounting, 4 terms, 128 teaching hours;
Accounting Information System, 1 term, 24 teaching hours;
Fundamental Accounting, 5 terms, 240 teaching hours;
Intermediate Financial Accounting, 1 term, 64 teaching hours;
Accountancy Simulation, 2 terms, 48 teaching hours.
Visiting Scholar, School of Business, New Mexico State University, Jan 2011- Jan 2012;
Postdoctoral Researcher, School of Business, Chongqing University, July 2004 – July 2007.