Name : Huang Xinjian Department : Department of Accounting Title : Professor Degree : Ph.D. Phone : 86-23-65112641 Email :huangxinjian@cqu.edu.cn |
Professor (September 2012-present), Department of Accounting, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University
Assosiate Professor (September 2007-August 2012), Department of Accounting, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University
Visiting Scholar (August 2011- August 2012), University of Califorlia at Los Angeles,
Visting Scholar (July 2007 – August 2007), Hong Kong University,
Research Fellow (March 2005 – December 2007), Post-docotral Research Station, Fu Dan University
Lecuture (December 2003 – August 2007), Department of Accounting, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University
Assistant Engineer (July 1994-August 1996), the Second Construnction Company of Hangzhou
Education Background
Ph.D. (Technological Economics and Managment), Chongqing University, School of Economics and Business Administration, 2003,
M.Phil. (Technological Economics and Managment), Chongqing Universtiy, School of Economics and Business Administration, 1999,
B.S. (Industrial Equipment Intallment), Chongqing Construction Universtiy, 1994
Research Interests
Institutional Factors, Corporate Governance and Corporate Finance, Macroeconomics and Enterprise Financial Behavior
1、Monetary Policy,Loan Renewals of Enterprise and Efficiency of Investment, Audit & Economy Research,2016
2、Monetary policy, debt financing and investment efficiency, journal of Chongqing university(social science), 2016
3、the manager feature, overconfidence and the risk of share prices collapse----based on the empirical evidence of listed companies,friends of accounting,2015
4、Institutional Environment, Loan Covenant and the Abuse of Free Cash Flow,Journal of Shanxi Finance and Economics University,2015
5、monetary policy, the discrepancy of government control and national enterprises debt financing,finance forum, 2015
6、Political Connections,Executive Compensation and Enterprise Performance---Evidence from Chinese Private Listed Companies,soft science,2015
7、fiscal policy, government intervention and the effective analysis of government fiscal subsidies----based on private listed companies empirical data, friends of accounting,2014
8、A Study on Relationship between Executive Characteristics and Corporate R&D Investment Efficiency,journal of Chongqing university(social science), 2014
9、Government Intervention, Social Capital and Audit Demand:Empirical Evidence from the Chinese Listed Companies, journal of Chongqing university(social science), 2014
13、Political connections, institutional environments and loan renewals —— The evidences from the privately listed enterprises Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice,2012
14、Government Intervention, Social Capital and Audit Demand:Empirical Evidence from the Chinese Listed Companies,, journal of Chongqing university(social science), 2012
15、Political Connection, Equity Financing,and Alteration of Financing Capitals——Empirical Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies.soft science,2012
16、Official Corruption, The Selection of Auditor and Company's Value, South China Journal of Economics,2012
17、Regional Environment , Political Connections and The Auditor Selection:Empirical Evidence from Chinese Private Listed Companies.audit &economy research,2011
18、Political connections, corporate performance and loan renewals——The evidences from the privately listed enterprises. Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice,2011
19、Empirical study on political connection, overconfidence and overinvestment of listed real estate enterprises. Construction Economics,2012
20、Empirical study on the impact of official corruption in corporate effective rate of tax. South China Jounal of Ecomics,2011
21、 Official corruption, auditor choice and corporate value,Jounal of Economics2012
“Research on earning management of Chinses listed companies in anti-dumping investigation”, Chapters in Yuan Zigang, Gu Yunshen and Chen Hao, Finance Innovation and Management Reform toward Internationalization, Fudan University Press, September 2005;
“Depening processing industry”, Chapter in Zhang Dingyu, Access to the WTO and sustainable economic development of Chonqging Industry, China Plan Press, Beijing, December 2001
Grants and Awards
1. National Social Science Fundation Grant: Research on the impact of senior executives with government working experience towards inefficiency investment behavior and governance mechanism,2011-2014
2. MOE humanities and social science research youth project grant: The impact of difference between political connection and regional institutional environment on enterprise resuming loan behavior,2010-2013
3. Chongqing science and technology soft science project: research on the function mechanism and its countermeasures of executives promoting Chongqing enterprises investment efficiency, 2011-2012
4. Chongqing higher education reform project: innovative exploration and mechanism practice of accounting major practice education mold ,2010-2012;
5. Chongqing bureau of finance key project: the problems and countermeasures when Chongqing practice accounting standard.2011-2012;
6. Chongqing Shapingba district soft science project: the electronic information industry’s development study in Chongqing comprehensive bonded zone, 2010-2011.
MBA Program:
Financial Management,2 terms, 96 teaching hours
MPACC Program:
Advanced Management Accounting Theory and Practice,6 terms, 288 teaching hours
BA Program:
Intermediate financial accounting,1 terms, 56 teaching hours
Advanced Financial Accounting,6 terms, 336 teaching hours
Practice and Service
Reviewer of Chinese journal of management science; South China Journal of Economics
Finance assessment expert, MOST Xinghuo Project
Member of assessment panel, Chongqing Science and technology commission
Member of assessment panel, MPAcc teaching guiding commission