Department of Accounting
Liu Bin
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Name : Liu Bin

Department : Department of Accounting

Title : Professor

Degree : Ph.D.

Phone : 86-23-65105710


• Vice President, Chongqing University Assets Management Co., Ltd., 2012.04 – Present
• Associated Director, Committee Office for College-Own Industry of the Chongqing University, 2012.03 – 2014. 06
• Vice President, Chongqing University Science and Technology Group, 2003.03- 2012.03
• Associated Director and Director, The Accounting Department of School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, 1997.12 – 2014.10
• Associated Professor, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, 1994.07- 2000.12
• Professor, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, 2000.12 – President
• Teacher, Associated Director, Lecturer, Associated Professor, School of Management, Southwest University, 1987.07 – 1994.07

• Post-doctor, Xiamen University, 2004.09 – 2007.09
• PhD, Chongqing University, 2000.09 – 2004.07
• Master, Southwest University. 1984.09 -1987.07
• Bachelor, Southwest University, 1980.09 -1984.07

Research Interests
Accounting standards, capital market accounting, corporate behavior in accounting, internal accounting system design, consulting in corporate information technology

Bin Liu is the Professor of Accounting and the Ph.D. Supervisor in School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University. He is the academic and the technical leader of Accounting in Chongqing. He was the Director of Accounting Department in School of Economics and Business Administration at Chongqing University. Prior to his appointment as the Vice President of Chongqing University Assets Management Co., Ltd., he was the Associated Director of the Committee Office for College-Own Industry of the Chongqing University. He earned his doctor degree in management in Chongqing University, and finished the post-doctoral program in Xiamen University. He has served as the Visiting Scholar in School of Accountancy at Chinese University of Hong Kong, as well as in Accounting Department of the Foster School of Business at University of Washington.

In addition, Professor Liu has rich experience in accounting practices through his social appointments. He had been appointed as an Independent Director of TCL Communication Equipment Share Co., Ltd., Liugong Machinery Co., Ltd. Chongqing Dima Industry Co., Ltd., and Chongqing Zongshen Power Machinery Co., Ltd. At present, he is appointed as the Independent Director of Chongqing Jinke Co., Ltd., Chongqing Fuling Electric Power Industrial Co., Ltd., SUNWOA Electronics Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Fenghwa Group Co, Ltd., as well as an outside director of Chongqing City Construction Investment (Group) Co., Ltd. As a CPA, Professor Liu is also the member of Accounting Society of China (ASC), th member of The Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA), the director of Accounting Society of Chongqing, the vice president of Auditing Society of Chongqing, the judicial accounting expert appraiser of the Committee for the Judicial Identification of Chongqing, the member of the expert group for the Enterprise Information Technology of Chongqing, and the management consulting expert for the Science and Technology Consulting Association of Chongqing.

He has joined in one key project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China as the first main researcher. He has chaired three projects of the National Natural Foundation of China, three provincial projects, and ten consulting projects for enterprises. He has won three awards at the provincial and departmental level. Till the present, his publications consist of 13 books and more than 100 articles. The books are monographs and teaching materials, such as Comparison of Accounting Research, Financial Management, and Computerized Accounting Application Tutorial. And the articles have been published in both national and international academic magazines such as Economic Research Journal, Management World, Accounting Research, Auditing Research, Economic Science, Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, Science Research Management, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operation Study and so on.

• Yuanyuan Liu, Bin Liu. Employment Protection Legislation, Cost Stickiness, and Corporate Response. Economic Research Journal. 2014(05)
• Kaiyuan Yang, Bin Liu. The Accrual Anomaly in Capital Market: Misspecification of Mispricing. Statistical Research. 2013(10)
• Bin Liu, Lei Wang. Research on Interaction Effects among Macro Control, Ownership Property and Financing Channels of Real Estate Firms. Modern Finance and Economics.2013(09)
• Bin Liu, Jiyu Yang. Research on Fair Value Accounting and Market Investment Anomaly: Empirical Evidence of China’s Listed Companies. The Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics. 2013(04)
• Bin Liu, Jiyu Yang, Rong Sun. Will the Fair Value Accounting Influence the Prediction Ability of Earnings? Research on Financial and Economic Issues. 2013(04)
• Jian Zhang, Hui Cheng, Bin Liu. Quality of Information, the Type of Manager and CEO’s Turnover of the Family Listed Company. System Management. 2013(03)
• Bin Liu, Kaiyuan Yang, Juxian Wang. The Optimization Idea for Independent Innovation on Tax Policy of the Small and Micro Firms. 2013(03)
• Teqi Duan, Bin Liu, Henggui Shi. Can Low Price Regulation of Audit Market Improve Audit Quality? Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. Taxation Research. 2013(01)
• Jiyu Yang, Bin Liu, Li Sun. Earnings Management, Top Executive Compensation and Pay-performance Sensitivity and Shareholder Structure. Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition). 2013(02)
• Yuanyuan Liu, Bin Liu, Nan Luo. Earnings Reserve, Default Prediction, Efficiency of Debt Contracts-Evidence from Listed Companies in Real Estate Industry in Year 1995-2010. Forecasting. 2013(01)
• Jiyu Yang, Li Sun, Donglai Li, Bin Liu. A Credit Derivatives Pricing Model Using Most Prudent Principle and Its Application. Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics. 2012(10)
• Rao Xi, Jun Wu, Zhongyi Zhang, Bin Liu. Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving Potential in China: An Analysis Based on Slack-Based Model. Computer & Industrial Engineering. 2012. Vol 63.
• Nan Luo, Bin Liu. Research on the Influence of Fair Value Measurement on Debt Covenants. Securities Market Herald. 2012(08)
• Yuanyuan Liu, Bin Liu. Earnings Reserve, Investment Decision, and Information Content – Empirical Evidence from Listed Company in Real Estate Industry in Year 1995-2010. Accounting Review 2012(06)
• Bin Liu, Jian Zhang. Institutional Ownership, Information Quality and Accrual Anomaly. Journal of Audit & Economics. 2012(06)
• Xing Liu, Bin Liu, Jinrong Zhang. The Development of Accounting Research in China – Presented in the 2011 Accounting Society of China. Accounting Review. 2011(08)
• Longguang Qiu, Bin Liu. The System Design of Disclosure Committee. Research on Financial and Economic Issues. 2011(09)
• Bin Liu, Kaiyuan Yang. Research on the Accrual Anomaly for China’s A-Share Market. Securities Market Herald. 2011(06)
• Bin Liu, Xianzhi Xu, Ling Cao. Study on Market Reactions to Changes of Fair Value Accounting- Based on the Data of the Loss-making Listed Companies. Management Review. 2011(05)
• Bin Liu, Nan Luo. The Retrospect and Prospect of Fair Value Accounting. Forecasting. 2011(05)
• Bin Liu, Yaling Wu. An Empirical Study on Accounting Conservatism and Capital Efficiency. Journal of Audit & Economics. 2011(04)
• Longguang Qiu, Bin Liu. Analysis of Listed Companies’ Annual Reports Disclosure Delay. China Economic & Trade Herald. 2010(14)
• Yunlian Xiong, Henggui Shi, Bin Liu. Study on Corporate Governance Performance Which is Affected by Different Subordinate Modes of Internal Audit Functions –Based on Empirical Evidence and Audit Fee in Chinese Listed Companies. East China Economic Management. 2010(11)
• Bin Liu, Nan Luo. Will Financial Asses Measured by Fair Value Aggregate the Synchronization of the Market? – Analyze the Relationship between the Fair Value Accounting and Marketplace Synchronization. Securities Market Herald. 2010(09)
• Teqi Duan, Bin Liu, Yin Wang. A Comparative Study for the Three Approaches to Solve the Financing Difficulties for the Small-and- Medium Enterprises. China Economist. 2010(08)
• Qian Rao, Bin Liu, Henggui Shi. Research on Performance, Problems and Countermeasures for Tax Expenditure – Taking the Value Added Tax Refund After Collection in Chongqing as the Case. Productivity Research. 2010(06)
• Xianzhi Xu, Bin Liu, Qianqian Cao. Research on the Economic Motivations of the Choice of Financial Assets Classification. Securities Market Herald. 2010(05)
• Henggui hi, Bin Liu, Xianzhi Xu. Cross Shareholding: Resonance and Symbiosis. Friends of Accounting. 2010(05)
• Bin Liu, Yaling Wu. The Influence of Accounting Conservatism on the Value Relevance of Earnings: Based on the Perspective of Fair Value. The Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics. 2010(05)
• Bin Liu, Jiandi Feng. Mechanism Analysis and Empirical Study on Impact of Fair Value of the Enterprise Value. Technology Economics. 2010(04)
• Bin Liu, Yang Li. Study on Market Reaction of R&D Information Disclosure. Technology Economics. 2010(03)
• Bin Liu, Yunlian Xiong. Analysis on Fair Value Accounting Choice by Evolutionary Game Theory. Science Research Management. 2010(02)
• Bin Liu, Xiameng Bao. Study on Value Relevance of Changes in Fair Value of Financial Assets. Technology Economics. 2010(01)
• Bin Liu, Xianzhi Xu. Research on the Effect of International Convergence of New Accounting Standards – Based on the Perspective of Earnings Conservatism. Collected Essays on Finance and Economics. 2010(02)
• Xing-fen Wang, Bin Liu, Jiaming Li. Risk Management Strategies in Accounting Firms: View on High Order Expected Shortfall. Systems Engineering- Theory & Practice. 2009(09)
• Yaling Wu, Bin Liu. The Development and Inspiration of the Empirical Study on Accounting Conservatism. Management World. 2009(06)
• Henggui Shi, Bin Liu, Wei Yang. The Empirical Study on Governance Effect of the Listed Companies’ Internal Audit Department. East China Economic Management. 2009(05)
• Bin Liu, Teqi Duan, Yongming Li. One Improved Agent Genetic Algorithm – Ring-Like Agent Genetic Algorithm for Global Numerical Optimization. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research. 01/2009 Vol.26(04)
• Longguang Qiu, Bin Liu. Improve Corporate Governance, Weaken Economic Recession. Productivity Research. 2009(04)
• Bin Liu, Xianzhi Xu. Equity Investment and Fair Value Measurements: The Empirical Study on Value Relevance. Securities Market Herald.2009(01)
• Xingfen Wang, Bin Liu, Jingqi Zhang. Empirical Analysis on Interior and External Governances of Auditing Firms – Market Concentration and Auditing Risk. Journal of ShanXi Finance and Economics University. 2009(01)
• Qian Rao, Bin Liu. The Empirical Analysis on Influencing Factors of Capital Reserve 补亏. Statistics & Decision. 2008(16)
• Bin Liu, Yunlian Xiong. Accounting Policy Change, Signaling and Agency Cost: Analysis Based on Double Principal-Agent Theory. Finance and Trade Research. 2008(06)
• Xingfen Wang, Bin Liu. The Corporate Value and Employees’ Payments: the Headspring of Harmonious between Corporate and Employees-Demonstrated from Listed Firm Data in China. Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition). 2008(06)
• Bin Liu, Henggui Shi. A Study on Influencing Factors of Listed Companies Internal Auditing Outsourcing Decision. Auditing Research. 2008(04)
• Bin Liu, Xingfen Wang, Li He, Jiaming Li. The Motivation of Voluntary Auditing of Interim Statements, Accounting Information Quality, and Economic Consequences- the Empirical Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms in Year 2002-2006. Economic Science. 2008(03)
• Bin Liu, Xingfen Wang, Jiaming Li. Multiple Clients’ Audit, Audit Firm’s Pattern and Audit Failure. Auditing Research. 2008(01)
• Bin Liu, Xiaobin Zhai. The Empirical Research on Seasoned Equity Offerings Pricing Model-Data from Chinese Listed Firms from 2000 to 2005. Finance and Trade Research. 2008(01)
• Rong Jiang, Xing Liu, Bin Liu. An Empirical Study on the Governance Effect of the Exterior Audit from Chinese Listed Companies: A View from CEO Turnover. Journal of Finance and Economics. 2007(11)
• Bin Liu, Yaling Wu. Ownership Concentration, Investors’ Protection and Quality of Information Disclosure. Journal of ShanXi Finance and Economics University. 2007(10)
• Bin Liu, Xingfen Wang, Jiaming Li. Model Analysis of Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility Strategic Innovations. Science &Technology Progress and Policy. 2007(04)
• Bin Liu, Xinfeng Wang, Qin Tan. The Relevance Analysis between Material Accounting Errors and Non-Standard Audit Opinion – Data from Listed Companies in Year 2000-2003. Science and Technology Management Research. 2007(03)
• Li He, Bin Liu, Li Tan. Discussion on the Improvement of Industrial Structure and the Optimization and Upgrading of Tax System Reform. Enterprise Economy. 2007(03)
• Bin Liu, Henggui Shi. Managements’ Annual Earnings Forecast Errors of Listed Companies and Accounting Policy Changes. Reform. 2007(02)
• Bin Liu, Teqi Duan, Yiqiang Zhou. The Market Reaction of the Change of Raised Funds for Chinese Listed Firms. Contemporary Finance & Economics. 2006(10)
• Xing Liu, Lirong Chen, Bin Liu, Fangcheng Sun. Do non-Audit Services influence the independence of CPA? –Evidence from Chinese Securities Market. Accounting Research. 2006(07)
• Shixin Li, Jiuli Yang, Bin Liu. Influence of Voluntary Accounting Changes Based on Impairment Provision on Enterprise Value. Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition. 2006(05)
• Bin Liu, Yuan Hu. Research on the Contractual Motivation of Multiple Accounting Policies Choices. Finance and Trade Research. 2006(02)
• Shixin Liu, Bin Liu, Yi Song. Research on Analysis Sampling Method based on the Confidence Model. Statistics & Decision. 2005(17)
• Bin Liu, Xiaoli Jing. Empirical Study on the Influencing Factors of Big Bath. Communication of Finance and Accounting (Academy Version). 2005(07)
• Bin Liu, Xuemei Sun. Study on the Contract Motivation of Account Policy Choice. Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics. 2005(05)
• Bin Liu, Chaomin Jiang, Dan Zhu. Research on the Impact of Mandatory Accounting Changes on Voluntary Accounting Changes. Finance and Trade Research. 2005(05)
• Bin Liu, Huihui Sun, Zhenzhen Li. The Economic Motivation and Empirical Study of the Choice of Tax Accounting Policy. Model Finance &Economics (Journal of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics). 2005(05)
• Ming Zhou, Tongkui Yu, Bin Liu. Enterprise’s Multi-dimensional Cost Analysis Based on OLAP. Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition). 2005(04)
• Huihui Sun, Bin Liu, Bocheng Yu. The Study on the Short and Long Term of Tactics to Perfect Independent Directors System. Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition). 2005(02)
• Shixin Li, Lijin Huang, Bin Liu. The Customized Product Cost Estimation Method Based on the Activity-Based Standard Cost. Statistics & Decision. 2005(02)
• Bin Liu, Ling Peng. The Influence Analysis of the Voluntary Accounting Changes on the Change of Audit Firms. Communication of Finance and Accounting (Academy Version). 2005(01)
• Bin Liu, Zhenzhen Li, Dan Zhu. Research on Relation of the Governance Characteristics and the VACs. Finance Economics. 2005(01)
• Bin Liu, Jia Xu, Ren Liu. Income Smoothing Incentives from Voluntary Accounting Changes. . Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition). 2005(01)
• Bin Liu, Lu Chen. Research on the Contractual Motivation of R&D Expenditures – Data from Chinese Listed Firms in Year 2002-2003. Economic Management. 2004(22)
• Bin Liu, Xuemei Sun. Several Suggestions of the Governance of Malicious Accounting Changes. Finance and Accounting Monthly. 2004(11)
• Shuipeng Wu, Bin Liu, Xing Liu. A Study on Big-Bath Incentives from Voluntary Accounting Changes: Empirical Evidences from Shenzen and Shanghai Stock Markets During 1998-2002.ournal of Xiamen University (Arts & Social Sciences).2004(05)
• Bin Liu, Xing Liu, Yiqiang Zhou. The Research on Market Reaction to Voluntary Accounting Changes. Economic Science. 2004(04)
• Yi Liu, Xing Liu, Bin Liu. Empirical Analysis of Ownership Structure’s Influence Performance Variation of IPO. The Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics. 2004(04)
• Bin Liu. The Analysis of the Contractual Motivation of Voluntary Accounting Changes- Evidence from the Shenzen and Shanghai Stock Markets during 1998 to 2002. Economic Issues in China. 2004(03)
• Bin Liu, Huihui Sun, Jiaming Li. A study of the Relationship between Accounting Policy Changes and the CPA’s Audit. Finance and Trade Research. 2004(03)
• Bin Liu, Feng Chen. The Idea of Achieving Comprehensive Budget through ERP. Communication of Finance and Accounting. 2004(03)
• Qian Rao, Liu Tang, Yu Jiang, Bin Liu. The Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between the Diversification and Ownership Structure for Chinese Listed Firms. Economic Management. 2004(02)
• Bin Liu, Teqi Duan, Teng Xu. Liquidity Risk Management of Mutual Fund in China. Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition). 2004(02)
• Yun Ma, Bin Liu. On the Market Conducting Effect of Accounting Report Fraudulence- Evidence from Shanghai Stock Market Between 1999 and 2000. Collected Essays on Finance and Economics. 2004(02)
• Bin Liu. Discussion about the Main Techniques, Principles and Basic Premise for the Implementation of Annual Reports. Shanghai Accounting. 2004(01)
• Bin Liu, Xing Liu, Yonghong Huang. Main Factor Analysis on the Sustainable Growth of the Public Companies in China. Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition). 2003(12)
• Bin Liu, Xing Liu. Study on the Fraud of the Listed Companies by the Game Theory. Commercial Research Editorial Department. 2003(03)
• Bin Liu, Xing Liu, Shixin Li, Sunwen He. An Empirical Study on the Mutual Effect between CEO Pay and Firm Performance. Accounting Research. 2003(03)
• Bin Liu, Xing Liu, Shixin Li. The Integrated Cause of Standard Cost, Activity-Based Cost and Inner Transfer Price. Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition). 2003(03)
• Bin Liu, Zhen Wang. International Factoring and Accounting Practices. Communication of Finance and Accounting. 2003(03)
• Bin Liu, Li Zeng, Jun Wang. Balance and Transfer Pricing in Corporation: A Game Theory Analysis. Commercial Research Editorial Department. 2003(02)
• Bin Liu, Jianzhong Ye, Yingyi Liao. The Empirical Analysis of the Influencing Factors of Chinese Listed Companies’ Audit Fees – Evidence from the Financial Reports for the Fiscal Year of 2001 in the Shenzhen and Shanghai Stock Market. 2003(01)
• Bin Liu. The Ideas Related to the Manufacturing Enterprises’ Customer Performance Accounting. Shanghai Accounting. 2002(12)
• Ping Fang, Bin Liu. Discussion on the Offset Problem Related to Surplus Reserves in the Consolidated Financial Statements. Shanghai Accounting. 2002(11)
• Bin Liu, Xing Liu, Shixin Li. Integrating Mechanism of Standard Costing Activity- Based on Costing and Inner Transfer Pricing. Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition). 2002(11)
• Bin Liu, Teqi Duan. Rational Analysis on the Lack of Integrity of the Registered Accountants in China. Business Economics and Administration. 2002(10)
• Bin Liu, Yonghong Huang, Xing Liu. Empirical Study on the Sustainable Growth of the Public Companies in China. Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition). 2002(09)
• Bin Liu, Ying Huang. Enterprise’s Internal Accounting System Design for the Small Accounting Unit. The Communication of Finance and Accounting, 2002(07)
• Bin Liu, Ping Fang. Exploring the Methods of Standard Costs based on the Activity Cost Theory. Techno Economics & Management Research. 2002(05)
• Li Lv, Bin Liu, Xunxiang Zhang. Consolidated Definition of Consolidated Financial Statements. Journal of Southwest China Normal University. 2002(03)
• Bin Liu, Guanglei Li. The Measurement Methods of Firm Performance Based on EVA. Techno Economics &Management Research. 2002(03)
• Yu Liu, Bin Liu. Two Proposals for the Improvement of Enterprise Accounting Standards – Debt Restructuring. Finance & Accounting. 2000(12)
• Bin Liu. Several Problems to be Paid Attention when Implementing the Financial Statements for the Listed Firms. Shanghai Accounting. 2000(07)
• Bin Liu, Jiaming Li, Wenying Fu. Discussion on the Combination Method of Standard Cost, Cost of Operation and Enterprise Internal Transfer Price. Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition). 1999 (S1)
• Bin Liu, Jiaming Li, Shixin Li. Standard Cost, Cost of Operation and MRP II Cost Flow Construction. Journal of Chongqing University. 1999(S1)
• Bin Liu. The Comparison of Standards Related to Consolidated Financial Statements in China and Japan. Journal of Chongqing Institute of Commerce. 1999(06)
• Bin Liu, Jiaming Li, Xixi Yan. Discussion on Accounting Problems of the Employees’ Reward Stocks in Chinese Corporation. Journal of Chongqing Institute of Commerce. 1999(01)
• Bin Liu. The Analysis of the Data Source of the Cash Flow Statements and its Impact on the Development of Accounting Software. Finance &Accounting. 1999(01)
• Bin Liu. The Analysis of Convertible Bonds on the dilution of Net Equity per Share. Accounting Research. 1998(12)
• Bin Liu, Ying Huang. International Comparison of Expense Concept. Sichuan Accounting. 1994(11)

Research Programs
• Surface Project funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China: Standard Flexibility, Earnings Quality and Research Allocation (No. 71372138). He serves as the Project Leader.
• Key Project funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China: The Institutional Environment, Selection of Enterprise Accounting Policy and Dynamic Evolution (No. 71232004) He serves as the First Main Researcher.
• Surface Project funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China: Enterprise Acquisitions, Ownership Structure and Internal Resource Allocation Behavior (No. 71172083). He serves as the First Main Researcher.
• Surface Project funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China: Fair Value Accounting, Behavior Alienation and Economic Consequences. (No. 70972055). He serves as the Project Leader.
• Project funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation: Empirical Study on the Impact of Voluntary Accounting Changes on the External Accounting Information Users’ Decisions (No. 70472017). He serves as the Project Leader.
• Surface Project funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China: Research on the Investment Behavior Optimization Theory under the Corporate Structure and the Methodology (No. 70372041) He serves as the First Main Researcher.
• Surface Project funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China: Analysis of the Non-rational Investment Behavior for Chinese Listed Companies (No. 70142011). He serves as the First Main Researcher.
• Project funded by the Humanity and Social Science Youth Foundation of Ministry of Education of China: The Combination of Standard Cost, Activity Cost and Internal Transfer Price (No. 99JD790020). He serves as Project Leader.
• Project funded by Chongqing Soft Science Foundation: Research on the Accounting Problems of Employees’ Rewarding Shares for Chinese Stock Companies. He serves as the Project Leader.
• Surface Project funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China: The Dividend Policy of Chinese Stock Companies and the Methodology Study. He serves as the First Main Researcher.

The Comparison of Accounting (1995)
Coauthors: Xiaolin Li, Tengjiang Deng, Suncheng Sun, Guokang Zhang, Bin Liu.
Published by: Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Press

Honors and Awards
• The Third Prize in Philosophy and Social Science of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government (2011).
Awarded Paper: The Motivation of Voluntary Auditing of Interim Statements, Accounting Information Quality, and Economic Consequences- the Empirical Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms in Year 2002-2006. Bin Liu, Xingfen Wang, Li He, Jiaming Li.
• The Second Prize in Excellent Paper awarded by Social Society of China (2006).
Awarded Paper: The Motivation of Voluntary Auditing of Interim Statements, Accounting Information Quality, and Economic Consequences- the Empirical Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms in Year 2002-2006. Bin Liu, Xingfen Wang, Li He, Jiaming Li.
Bin Liu, Xingfen Wang, Li He, Jiaming Li. The Motivation of Voluntary Auditing of Interim Statements, Accounting Information Quality, and Economic Consequences- the Empirical Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms in Year 2002-2006. Economic Science. 2008(03)
• Outstanding Doctor Dissertation of Chongqing Province (2006)
• The Third Prize in Philosophy and Social Science of Sichuan Municipal People’s Government (1996). The Comparison of Accounting. Xiaolin Li, Tengjiang Deng, Suncheng Sun, Guokang Zhang, Bin Liu.
• The Second Prize in Outstanding Teaching Awards of the Education Committee of Sichuan Province (1992). Experimental Accounting Research. Shenghui Deng, Yunkui Xue, Yuanzhu Xie, Bin Liu.

Academic Communication
• Communication of MBA Professors, Peking University, 2011.03 – 2011.06
• Visiting Professor, University of Washington, USA, 2007.12- 2009.06
• Visiting Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1997.12-1998.02

Professional Appointments
• President, Industrial Economics Society of China
• Member, Accounting Society of China (ASC)
• Member, Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA)
• Vice President, Auditing Society of Chongqing
• Standing President, President, Accounting Society of Chongqing
• Expert Appraiser, the Committee for the Judicial Identification of Chongqing
• Group Member, Enterprise Information Technology of Chongqing
• Consulting Expert, Science and Technology Consulting Association of Chongqing

• Accounting – Science, Art and Magic behind the Numbers
• Senior Accounting Theory and Methodology
• Accounting System Design
• Comparison of Accounting
• Senior Financial Accounting
• Intermediate Accounting
• Fundamental Accounting

• The Accounting World from the View of Scholars
• The Creation of Enterprises Value and the Analysis of Financial Reports
• Financial Reports Analysis and Credit Risk Evaluation
• Finding the Problems Hiding Behind the Enterprises’ Management through the Analysis of Financial Reports
• Financial Reports’ Reading Tips

Case Studies
• From the Off-balance sheet to In-balance sheet, the Default of A Trading Company’s Bank’s Acceptance Bill (2014)
• The Review Conference of the Guarantee Company S
• The Concerns for the Accounting Professor and his Research Assistants
• The Accounting Index behind the Debt Default of Tianjin Marine Shipping Co., Ltd.
• Through the Financial Reports, Analyzing the Clues of Fraud in Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd.

Social Appointments
• Member, The Forth Committee of Chinese People’s Consultative Conference of Chongqing
• Member of the Standing Committee, the 13th Committee of Chinese People’s Consultative Conference of Chongqing Shapingba District
• Member, the 12th Committee of Chinese People’s Consultative Conference of Chongqing Shapingba District
• Member of the Standing Committee, the Municipal Party Committee of Minjian
• Vice Chair, the Shapingba District of Municipal Party Committee of Minjian

Teaching (2011-2016)
EMBA Program:
Accounting, 6 terms, 192 teaching hours
MBA Program:
Accounting, 1 terms, 44 teaching hours
MPACC Program:
Financial Statement Analysis, 4 terms, 128 teaching hours
BA Program:
Freshman Seminar, 7 terms, 112 teaching hours
Accounting theory, 1terms, 32 teaching hours
Ph.D. Program:
Advanced accounting theory, 5 terms, 158 teaching hours
MF Program:
Financial Statement, 1 terms, 32 teaching hours
Accounting Theory and Empirical Method, 1 terms, 32 teaching hours

