Department of Management
Zhang Yong
Wed, Jan 16 2019 04:51 PM click:

Name: Zhang Yong

Department: Department of Management

Title: Professor

Degree: Ph.D.

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Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management at the School of Economics and Business Administration at the Chongqing University, China


Ph.D., Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Master,Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Bacholor,Xinyang Teacher' College

Research Interests

Creativity, Leadership, Team diversity

Refereed Publications

1.Ma, Z. X., Gong, Y. P., Long. L. R, &Zhang, Y. Team-level high-performance work systems, self-efficacy and creativity: differential moderating roles of person–job fit and goal difficulty.International Journal of Human Resource Management. published on line.

2. Huang, G. H,Zhang, Y*,Zhang, X. M,&Long, L. R.Job insecurity, commitment, and proactivity toward the organization and career:Age as a condition.Human Resouce Management Journal, 2021, 31(2): 532-552.

3. Zhang, Y., Li, G. Q., & Wang, M. X. How does a team make the most of its creative potential? The role of reward interdependence and knowledge sharing.Nankai Business Review International. 2020, 11(4): 617-634.

4. Zhang, Y., Long, L. R., Tsung-yu, Wu, & Huang, X. When is pay for performance related to employee creativity in the Chinese context? The role of guanxi HRM practice, trust in management, and intrinsic motivation.Journal of Organizational Behavior,2015, 36(5): 698-719.

5.Wang, T.L., Long, L.R., & Zhang, Y.*, & He, W. A Social Exchange Perspective of Employee-Organization Relationships and Employee Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior: The Moderating Role of Individual Moral Identity.Journal of Business Ethics,2019, 159(2): 473-489.

6.Ma, Z. X., Long L. R., Zhang Y. *, Zhang J. W., & Lam, C. K. Why do high-performance human resource practices matter for team creativity?The mediating role of collective efficacy and knowledge sharing.Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2017, 34(3): 565-586.

7. Zhang, Y.,Long, L. R, & Zhang, J. W. Pay for performance and employee creativity: The importance of procedural justice and willingness to take risks.Management Decision.2015, 53(7): 1378-1397.

8. Junwei Zhang, P Matthijs Bal, Muhammad Naseer Akhtar, Lirong Long, Yong Zhang, Zixiang Ma. High-performance work system and employee performance: the mediating roles of social exchange and thriving and the moderating effect of employee proactive personality.Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources,2019, 57(3): 369-395.

Courses Taught

Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior

Professional Service Activities and Affiliations

Ad-hoc Reviewer

Journal of Organizational Behavior

Asia Pacific Journal of Management

International Journal of Human Resource Management

Journal of Applied Social Psychology

Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resource

Management Decision

Acta Psychologica Sinica

Nankai Business Review


Member, Academy of Management (OB and HR divisions)

Member, International Association for China Management Research

Member, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology

