Department of Management
Chen Fengwen
Wed, Jan 16 2019 04:50 PM click:


Name : Chen Fengwen

Department : Department of Management

Title : Associate professor

Degree : Ph.D.

Phone : 0086-23-65106482


Chen Fengwen
January 2016

Department of Management, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University
174# Shazhengjie Street, Shapingba District, Chongqing, 400030, P. R. China
Phone: 0086-23-65106482

Associate professor, Master Supervisor, Secretary of Youth League of SEBA, Chongqing University


2013/06-present, Business Administration, postdoctoral fellow, Nankai University
2008/09–2012/12,Ph.D in Management, Chongqing University
2005/09–2007/12,M.A. in Management, Chongqing University
2001/09–2005/06,B.A. in Management, Chongqing University

Research Interests

Entrepreneurial Management, Corporate Management, Entrepreneurial Finance


Chen Fengwen, Li Siwan, Zhang Zongyi, Venture Financing Contracts: Based on the Perspective of Complementary Effect; Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management.Vol.142, 2013;
Chen Fengwen,Xu Chunqi,Zhang Zongyi,Research on the Best Financing Contract Based on the Potential Efforts of both Venture Capital,Systems Engineering---Theory and Practice.Vol.3, 2013;
Chen Fengwen,Zhang Zongyi,Empirical Research on the Knowledge Capital and Entrepreneurial Performance of New Companies, R&D Management,Vol.5, 2010;
Chen Fengwen,Tian Yucheng,Zhang Zongyi,Equity Allocation Model of Venture Capital Investment based on Complementary Effect,Systems Engineering, Vol.9, 2012;
Chen Fengwen,Zhang Yuli, Cai Wanxiang, Research on the Relationship between Social Network and Entrepreneurial Enterprise Performance: Based on the Evidence of China's Private Economy,Science & Technology Progress and Policy, Vol.5, 2015
Chen Fengwen,Xu Chunqi,Zhang Zongyi, Research on the Channel Development of Venture Investment and Financing of China, Shandong Social Sciences, Vol.6, 2012;
Chen Fengwen,Cheng Lingfeng,Zhang Zongyi,Research on Signal Monitoring Mechanism of Technology Start-ups based on Bilateral Moral Hazard,Forum on Science and Technology in China, Vol.12, 2012;
Chen Fengwen,Liu Niankang,Has Environment Pollution Inhibited the Transformation of Economic Growth -- a Inspection of Provincial Panel Data from 1990 to 2010 in China,Industrial Economics Research, Vol.5, 2012;
Chen Fengwen,Zhang Zongyi,On the Three Levels of Entrepreneurial Activities and its Mechanism Function,Science & Technology Progress and Policy,Vol.8, 2009;
Chen Fengwen,Zhu Hongbo,The Practice Assessment on the Innovation of Water Pollution Control System of the Cross-Administrative Region,Environmental Protection,Vol.17, 2013;
Ji Xiaoli,Chen Fengwen,Research on the Effect Mechanism of Working Stress to College Teachers' Job Performance,Statistics and Decision,Vol.19, 2009;
Wang Wei,Chen Fengwen,Wei Qunyi,Research on Design and Practice of Technology Information Service Platform,Library and Information Service, Vol.14,2011
Zhang Jinruo,Chen Fengwen,CEO Authority, the Nature of Ultimate Controller and CEO Compensation Weight,China Management Studies,Vol.4,2012;
Liu Niankang,Wang Yunqiao,Chen Fengwen,FDI Inflow, Foreign Trade and Economic Growth Transformation -- An Empirical Study Based on the Provincial Panel Data of China from 1993 to 2008,Economic Survey,Vol.6, 2013;


Entrepreneurial Financing: Views on Efforts-based Complementary Effect, Economic Management Press, 2013/05
Theory and Practice of College Students’ Entrepreneurship, Higher Education Press, Subeditor, 2013/08

Grants and Awards

2015, "13th Five-Year" Plan of Chongqing Liangjiang New District Yufu Industrial Zone, Director;
2015, "13th Five-Year" of Da Dukou District on Health Planning and Family Planning, Director;
2015, "13th Five-Year" of Research on Cloud Computing and Big Data Development of Beibei District, Director;
2015, Study on the Distribution Planning of Sanitation Facilities of Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Longxing Industrial Park,Director;
2014, Youth Project, Humanities and Social Science Research Program Fund of Ministry of Education: Social network, Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth of China, Director;
2014, Soft science Research Project of Chongqing Development and Reform Commission:Discussion on the Relationship between the Independent Mining Areas and the New Urbanization, Director;
2013, Soft science Research Project of Chongqing Development and Reform Commission:The Exploring on Theory and Practical issues of Ecological Compensation, Director;
2013, The Humanities and Social Science Project of Chongqing Education Commission:Research on the Training Mode of College Students' Entrepreneurial Ability in Western China, Director;
2013, Basic Science Research Projects of the Main Universities:Social network, Knowledge Innovation and Entrepreneurial Performance, Director;
2011, Basic Science Research Projects of the Main Universities:The effect of Investment and Financing Control of Effort-based Venture Capital on Entrepreneurial Performance, Director;
2009, Youth Project, Humanities and Social Science Research Program Fund of Chongqing Universty, Research on the Influence of Venture Entrepreneurs and Investor's Complementary Efforts on the Choice of Venture Financing Tools,Director;
2010, Research on the Management Construction Systems of the Third Branch of CMCC(Chongqing),Director;
2010, 13th Five-Year" of Yongchuan District on Health Planning and Family Planning,Director;
2010, Study on the Tourism Project of Chongqing Caojie Street Navigation and Electricity Junction, Director;
2010, Research on the Human Resource Management System of Knowledge-based employee, Director;
2009, Study on the Management System of Promoting the Leadership Ability of the Publicity Leaders in the Changshou District of Chongqing, Director;
2010, Sasakawa Outstanding Youth Education Fund
2013, Chongqing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Work Advanced Individual
2013, First Prize of Science and Technology Progress of Zhejiang Electricity Corporation, Research on Comprehensive Construction of Smart Economy Grid

Teaching (2011-2016)
BA Program:
Management Communication and Skills,2 terms, 64 teaching hours
Management,1 terms, 48 teaching hours
Business Proposal Design,1 terms, 24 teaching hours


2014,International Conference on Entrepreneurship for College Students; Sun Yat-sen University
2013, Entrepreneurship Research on Globalization: Theory and Practice Improvement; Nankai University
2013, 10th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
2012,The 2012 Annual Conference of CI&G, Chongqing University;
2011,The 4th National Strategic Management Scholar Forum, Chongqing University;
2011,The 11th National Scientific Assessment Seminar, Chongqing University;


2013/09-2014/10, Deputy Secretary, Youth League of Shapingba District, Chongqing;
2013-present, Government Procurement and Bidding Assessment Expert of Chongqing;
2013-present, Member, Chongqing Youth Federation Committee;
National Psychological Consultant, GCDF,Mentors for College Students
Used to offer consultant service for Chongqing Finance Bureau、Chongqing Gangtie Co.,Ltd、Chongqing Dajaing Co.,Ltd、Chongqing Changshou District Government、CMCC(Chongqing)、Chongqing Songzao C&E Co.,Ltd、State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Company、Chongqing Airport Group Co.,Ltd.

