Department of Management
CHEN Aihua
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Name : CHEN Aihua

Department : Department of Management

Title : Associate Professor

Degree : Ph.D.

Phone : 0086-23-65122803


CHEN Aihua

May 2017

Department of Management, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University
174# Shazhengjie Street, Shapingba District, Chongqing, 400030, P. R. China
Phone: 0086-23-65122803
Web Page:

1. March, 2008~Present, Associate Professor, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University
2. April, 2011~ March, 2012, Researcher, Integrated Center for Educational Research and Practice Faculty of Education, Mie University
3.February, 2009~ July, 2009, Visiting Scholar, Guanghua School of Manngement, Peking University
4. Augest,2008~ July, 2010, Postdoctoral, Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
5 .April,2007~ Present, Researcher, Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya City University

1. Ph.D in Economics, Nagoya City University, 2007
2. M.A in Economics, Nagoya City University, 2004
3. B.A. in Japanese, Sichuan International Studies University, 2000

Research Interests
Current research interests include mainly two areas: 1) organizational behavior, especially cross-cultural management and leadership; 2) intellectual property, including the enterprise intellectual strategy, trade secret protection system and intellectual property education.

In English
Li Ma, Aihua Chen, Zhi-xue Zhang, Task Success Based on Contingency Fit of Managerial Culture and Embeddedness[J], Journal of International Business Studies, 2016(47:2), 191-209.
In Chinese
Chen, Aihua, Study on influencing factors of well-being of Chinese migrant workers[J]. Journal of Chongqing University: Social Science Edition, 2015(5):35-43
Chen, Aihua, The identification of trade secret violation actions in Japan[J]. Intellectual Property, 2013(7):96-100
Chen, Aihua., 2012, The identification of components of trade secret in Japan[J]. Intellectual Property, Vol.142: 91-98.
Ma, li., Jiao, Jie., Chen, Aihua., Jiang, Han., 2011, Differentiating Organizational Identification and Dis-indentification of Employees Through A Nomological Network, Acta Psychologica Sinica, Vol. 3.
In Japanese
Chen Aihua, Matsuoka Mamoru, Okada, Hiroshi, Sera, Kiyoshi, 2012, The Direction of Cooperation between Japan and China in Intellectual Property Education, Mie University Education Departmental Bulletin Paper
Chen Aihua, 2006, The Strategy of Revitalization of the Store-based Commercial District–the methodology of integrating the local experiences in the strategy development cycle. , OIKOMOMIKA, Vol.43(1)
Okada Hiroshi, Chen Aihua, 2006, The Patent Strategy in the New Theory Development Cycle—A Case Study of Canno, OIKOMOMIKA, Vol.43(2)
Chen Aihua, 2006,The Utilization of the Patent Strategy in the Market Development—A Case Study of Canno Copiers’ Development Process, OIKOMOMIKA Discussion Paper, 438.
Okada, Hiroshi., Chen, Aihua., 2005, The Comparison of Patent Strategy between Haier and Canno, OIKOMOMIKA, Vol.42(2)

Chen, Aihua.,2011, The Matching Between Organizational Culture and Product Development Model of Toyota, Asia Business Case Studies, China Machine Press.
Chen, Aihua., 2009, Research on the Nobel Laureates ,ANNUAL REPORT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHINESE TALENT(2009).

Grants and Awards
2016.1——2017.12,Study on Mechanism Construction of on-duty invention incentive in China, Chongqing Social Science Programming Project(2015PY28)
2015.7-2017.7,Study on Mechanism Construction of on-duty invention incentive in Chinese Cultural Scene, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2015CDJXY)
2012.4-2014.3,Sino-Japanese cooperation in IP Education, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Bilateral Programs
2011.3-2012.3,The educational practice of Asian IP network construction, Integrated Center for Educational Research and Practice Faculty of Education in Mie University,
2010.6-2012.5, Cross-Cultural Leadership .Behaviors— Conflict and Cooperation both in the eyes of Superiors and Subordinate, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,
2007.3-2008.3,Nagoya Urban Institute Grant
2004-2007, Toyota Tsusho Scholarship

Teaching (2011-2016)
MBA Program
Management Communication, 4 terms, 64 teaching hours
Organizational Behavior, 2 terms, 133 teaching hours
BA Program:
Management Communication,7 terms, 320 teaching hours
Organizational Behavior,8 terms, 200 teaching hours
Foundations of Management,1 terms, 32 teaching hours

In English
Tsui-auch, Lai Si., Liu, Xiaoxiao., Yang, Junjie., Wang, Xueli., Chen, Aihua, Wang, Kai., 2017, A Tall Tree Catches the Wind: Legitimacy Repair in Response to Framing by Governments, AOM 77th Annual Meeting(Accepted)
Chen, Aihua., Ma, Li., Zhang, Zhixue., 2012. Synergy of Managerial Cultures across the Border and Management Outcomes: A Case Study of an International Firm, IACMR, 2012 Annual Meeting .

In Japanese
Chen,Aihua., Liao, Bing., Liu, Wei., Okada, Hiroshi., Matsuoka, Mamoru., Sera, Kiyoshi., The Case Study of IP Talent Training Path for Enterprise, 13th Annual IPAJ Academic Research Conference.
Chen,Aihua., Liao, Bing., Liu, Wei., Okada, Hiroshi., Matsuoka, Mamoru., Sera, Kiyoshi., The IP Talent Training and Innovation in Enterprise, 13th Annual IPAJ Academic Research Conference.
Chen,Aihua., Matsuoka, Mamoru., Sera, Kiyoshi., Okada, Hiroshi., From Intellectual Property Right to Intellectual Property, 12th Annual IPAJ Academic Research Conference.
Chen,Aihua., Li, Mingde., Liu, Xing., Liu, Bin., Liao, Bing., Ji, Xiaoli., Yuan, Jie., Xia, Wenlong., Liao, Boqin., Luo, Yong., Liao, Fangnan., The International Symposium on IP Personnel Training——Intellectual Property Talent and Business Management――Report from China Side, 11th Annual IPAJ Academic Research Conference.
Chen,Aihua., IP Talent’s Competency in Chinese firm and IP Education in China, 2013 ,25th Annual IP Education Subcommittee Academic Research Conference.
Chen, Aihua., Okada, Hiroshi., Sera, Kiyoshi., 2011, Cooperation between Japan and China in Intellectual Property Education ,9th Annual IPAJ Academic Research Conference.
Chen, Aihua., Okada, Hiroshi., Matsuoka, Mamoru., Sera, Kiyoshi., 2010, Ensuring the sufficient IPR Talent in the Knowledge-based Economy Era――A Case Study from Chinese Company, 8th Annual IPAJ Academic Research Conference
Chen, Aihua., Matsuoka, Mamoru., Okada, Hiroshi., Sera, Kiyoshi., 2009, Situation of human resources development and Intellectual Property Education in China, 7th Annual IPAJ Academic Research Conference
Chen, Aihua., Okada, Hiroshi, Sera, Kiyoshi., 2008, The Revitalization of the Commercial Street with the Intellectual Property Approach and the Awareness of the Intellectual Property, 7th Annual IPAJ Academic Research Conference.
In Chinese
Chen, Aihua., 2011, Components of Trade Secret in Japanese System, The 5th Anniversary of the Death of Zheng Chengsi cum National Intellectual Property strategy Symposium, National Intellectual Property Training Center.

