Name: Cuilian Zhang Department: Department of Management Title: Associate Professor Degree: Ph.D. Email:zhangcuilian@cqu.edu.cn
Department of Business Administration, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University
174# Shazheng Street, Shapingba District, Chongqing, 400044, P. R. China
Web Page:http://ceba.cqu.edu.cn/info/2936/2727.htm
Associate Professor, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, 2017-Present.
Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, 2014-2016.
Sept, 2009 Ph.D., Guanghua School of Management, Peking University
-July, 2014 Organization and Management Department, International Ph.D. program
Aug, 2013 Visiting Scholar, D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University
-Feb, 2014 Management & Organizational Development Department
Sept, 2005 B. A., Business School, Sichuan University
-July, 2009 Human Resource Management Department
Research Interests
Creativity, Innovation, Leadership, Top management team
Zhang, C. L., & Wang, H. (2020). CEO learning goal orientation and firm innovation: Mechanism and boundary conditions. Journal of Small Business Management, 58(5), 948-974.
Zhang, C. L., Zhao, L., & Li, Y. (2015). Communication and recreation for new-generation workers in China: A hierarchical linear modelling approach. Asia Pacific Business Review, 21(4): 482-499.
Chen, S. Y., & Zhang, C. L. (forthcoming). What happens to a black sheep? Exploring how multilevel leader-member exchange differentiation shapes the organizational altruism behaviors of low leader-member exchange minority. Group & Organization Management.
Zhang, C. L., Zhao, L., & Han, Y. (2014). Interests, games, and norms of reciprocity in farmer specialized cooperatives. Commercial Research, 1: 152-157 (in Chinese).
Zhang, C. L., & Wang, H. (2013). Be a benevolent and authoritarian leader. CEIBS Business Review, 11: 60-63 (in Chinese).
Zhang, C. L., & Han, Y. (2012). How to manage the new-generation migrant workers? From the perspective of informal organization. Economic Management Journal, 34 (8): 163-172 (in Chinese).
Wang, H., & Zhang, C. L. (2012). Leadership behaviors in the Chinese context: CEO leadership behaviors, empowering leadership, and leader-member exchange. Advances in Psychological Science, 20 (11): 1519-1930 (in Chinese).
Qin, X., Zhang, C. L., Ma, L., & Xu, M. Y., & Deng, S. X. (2011). From countryside to city: The model of migrant workers’ citizenization. Management World, 10: 48-57 (in Chinese).
Zhang, C. L., & Chen, S. Y. CEO learning goal orientation and firm innovation: Examining the CEO-TMT interface. Paper presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management (AOM), Boston, August 2019.
Zhang, C. L., Huang, M. P., & Wang, H. Antecedents and consequences of leader-member exchange differentiation: The moderating effects of perceived justice. Paper presented at the 6th Conference of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Beijing, June 2014.
Zhang, C. L., & Brett, J. M. Chinese managers and negotiation strategy: An actor-partner interdependence model. Paper presented at the 73th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management (AOM), Orlando, August 2013.
Zhang, C. L., Huang, M. P., & Wang, H. Antecedents and consequences of leader-member exchange differentiation: A cross-level model. Paper presented at the 73th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management (AOM), Orlando, August 2013.
Zhang, C. L., Ma, L., & Yang, D. N. The longer at the current job, the better? Curvilinear relationships between job tenure and job performance. Paper presented at the 73th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management (AOM), Orlando, August 2013.
Zhang, C. L., & Zhao, L. Observation on the interests, games, and norms of reciprocity in the process of cooperatives: From the perspective of community cooperatives. Paper presented at the 6th Chinese Management Annual Conference, Chengdu, November 2011.
Zhang, C. L. Generation shift and need satisfaction: The role of informal organization in managing new generation of migrant workers. Paper presented at the 5th Chinese Management Annual Conference, Dalian, November 2010.
Chen, S. Y., & Zhang, C. L. What happens to a black sheep? The effects of LMX relational separation on organizational altruism behaviors and relationship conflicts. Paper accepted by the 9th Biennial Conference of International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Xi'an, June 2021.
Huang, M. P., Zhang, C. L., & Wang, H. Authoritarian leadership, justice climate, and employee work outcomes. Paper presented at the 15th International Academy of Management and Business Conference, Lisbon, April 2013.
Qin, X., Zhang, C. L., Deng, S. X., Ma, L., & Xu, M. Y. From countryside to city: The model of migrant workers’ citizenization. Paper presented at the 9th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, Kunming, July 2011.
Qin, X., Zhang, C. L., Deng, S. X., Xu, M. Y., Ma, L. The intergenerational differences between newly emerging generation and old generation of migrant workers in China. Paper presented at the 9th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, Kunming, July 2011.
Grants and Awards
Aug, 2015 National Nature Science Foundation of China Grant
Nov, 2013 Academic Excellence Award, Peking University
April, 2013 Li Ning Dissertation Grant Second Prize Award, IACMR
Dec, 2012 Academic Innovation Award, Peking University
Dec, 2011 Ling Rui Scholarship, Peking University
Dec, 2011 Guanghua Scholarship, Peking University
Dec, 2010 Community Contribution Award, Peking University
Sep, 2009 First Prize Academic Scholarship, Peking University
July, 2009 Sichuan Province Outstanding Student (1% selection rate), Sichuan University
May, 2009 Top Ten Advanced Individual (10 students overall in the University), Sichuan University
Nov, 2008 Third Prize of International Technology Entrepreneurship Challenge (China’s only winner)
Nov, 2008 Golden Prize of the 6th National “Challenge Cup” Entrepreneurship Contest
BA programs
Management, 7 terms, 48 teaching hours
Organizational Behavior, 1 term, 32 teaching hours
Business Ethics, 2 terms, 32 teaching hours
Human Resource Management, 1 term, 48 teaching hours
Career management, 1 term, 32 teaching hours
PhD program
Frontier of Organization & Management , 4 terms, 32 teaching hours
MBA program
Business Ethics, 2 terms, 16 teaching hours
Reviewer, Academy of Management (AOM), OB Division
Reviewer, International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), OB Division
Member, IACMR Research Method Workshop, Tongji University, Shanghai, July 2013.
Member, AMJ Special Research Forum Workshop-"West Meets East: New Concepts and Theories", Peking University, Beijing, Octber 2011.
Member, Research Method Workshop (Prof. Kathleen M. Eisenhardt), Tsinghua University, Beijing, June 2010.
Member, HRM and OB Research Method Workshop (Prof. Kenneth S. Law), Renmin University of China, Beijing, April 2010.