Department of Management
Zhao Hua
Wed, Jan 16 2019 04:42 PM click:

Name : Zhao Hua

Department : Department of Management

Title : Professor

Degree : Ph.D.

Phone : 0086-23-65112504


Zhao Hua
January 2015

Department of Management, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University
174# Shazhengjie Street, Shapingba District, Chongqing, 400030, P. R. China
Phone: 0086-23-65112504
Web Page:

Professor, PhD Supervisor, College of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, China, 2003.07—present;
1985.7-1990.7, assistant engineer; Sichuan Jinguang Instrument Factory
1993.7-1997.11, assistant professor; School of economics and business administration
1997.11-2008.11, associate professor/vice dean; School of economics and business administration
2008.11-2009.5, professor/ vice dean; School of economics and business administration
2009.5-2012.3, Professor/PhD Supervisor/vice dean; School of economics and business administration
2012.3-present, assistant principal /Professor/PhD Supervisor; School of economics and business administration

1981.7-1985.7 School of electronic and optical engineering, Nanjing University of science and technology, bachelor;
1990.7-1993.7 School of economics and business administration, master;
2000.9-2008.7 School of economics and business administration, PhD

Research Interests
Enterprise strategic management;Enterprise cluster and industrial economy

The innovation mode of generic technology in the industry cluster from the perspective of enterprise contribution,Science research management,2015.06
Analysis of cluster spillovers' impact on the price equilibrium among duopoly Bertrand competition,Science research management,2015.02
Analysis of cluster spillovers' impact on the quantity equilibrium between rational duopoly
, Science research management, 2014.10
The Dynamic Model of Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Business, China soft science,2014.01
A technology innovation model of leading enterprise dominant cluster——Considering the distance decay effect of technological spillover,science research management,2011.06
Research on implicit contract and regulatory mechanism for stability cooperation in enterprise clusters,Chinese journal of management science,2010.02


The construction of infrastructure investment and financing theory and innovation,Chongqing university press,2008.
The theory and practice of entrepreneurial managemen,Chongqing university press,2007.

Grants and Awards

BA Program: Strategic Management, 1 term, 40 teaching hours

Chongqing Techonology Economy and Management Modernization Committee,vice president
China Science and Technology Theory Society,Member of Council

Deputy Director, Chongqing university education foundation
Deputy chair, Chongqing university alumni council

