Department of Management
Fu Qiang
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Name : Fu Qiang

Department : Department of Management

Title : Professor

Degree : Ph.D.

Phone : 13508396693


Fu Qiang
January 2016

Department of Management, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University
174# Shazhengjie Street, Shapingba District, Chongqing, 400030, P. R. China
Web Page:


1993-1996, Deputy Director, Department of Applied Mathematics and Systems Engineering, Chongqing University
1998-1999, Guest Professor, Business School, University of New South Wales
1996-2000, Associate Professor, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University
Director, Research Department, Chongqing University
2000-2002, Deputy Director, Chongqing Municipal Foreign Affairs Office
2000-Present, Professor, School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University


1979-1983, Chongqing Normal University, Mathematics, Bachelor
1987-1989, Harbin Institute of Technology, Applied Mathematics, Master
1995-1999, Chongqing University, Management, Ph.D.

Research Interests

Technology innovation and management, financial system dynamics and venture capital investment theory


Estimation and Explanation on Main Influencing Factors of Inflation in China, Fu Qiang, Zhu Yingfeng, Yuan Chen, China Industrial Economics, 2011 (5) :5-15
The X-efficiency of Chinese commercial bank, Fu Qiang, He Jiao, SCIENCE RESEARCH MANAGEMENT, 2011, 32(5)
Nonlinear dynamical model of security prices under"T+1"trading mechanism and its empirical test, YUAN Chen, FU Qiang, JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES IN CHINA, 2011, 14(3)
The Impact of Absorptive Capability and Trade Policy on FDI Spillovers——Evidence from the Panel Data of Industrial Department, Jin Na, FU Qiang, Nankai Economic Studies, 2010, (6)
Dynamic Analysis of Inflation and Its Influencing Factors, FU Qiang, ZHU Ying-feng, EAST CHINA ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT, 2011, 25(4)
An Empirical Study on China's Banking Market Structure and Competition Based on the Panzar-Rosse Model, FU Qiang, LIANG Qiao, JOURNAL OF CHONGQING UNIVERSITY(SOCIAL SCIENCE EDITION), 2011, 17(1)
An Actuarial Approach to Fractional Geometric Asian-reload Stock Option and It's Simulation, FU Qiang, SHI Ze-long, JOURNAL OF CHONGQING UNIVERSITY (SOCIAL SCIENCE EDITION), 2010, 16(6)
The Research on Multiresolution Characteristics of Investment Portfolio Value at Risk Based on Double Factor Pricing Model, FU Qiang, PENG Xuan-hua, MATHEMATICS IN PRACTICE AND THEORY, 2010, 40(22)
The Empirical Analysis of Bank Lending Behavior with Respect to Collateralized Debt Obligations, LIU Li-an, FU Qiang, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT, 2010, 24(3)
Analyzing and Empirical Study On Operating Mode and Profitability Differences of Foreign Bank Based on Latent Cost and Institutions Quality, LIU Li-an, FU Qiang, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT, 2010, 24(2)
Model of Geometric Asian-reload Stock Option Pricing Driven by Fractional O-U Process, FU Qiang, SHI Ze-long, MATHEMATICS IN ECONOMICS, 2010, 27(2)
Time-varying Characteristics of Flights and Market Contagion in Chinese Financial Markets, Yuan Chen, Fu Qiang, Systems Engineering, 2010 (5) :1-7
The Influence of Ownership Structure on the Efficiency of Chinese Commercial Banks, He Jiao, Fu Qiang, Pan Lu, Finance Forum, 2010 (7) :33-38
Study on Equity Structure Reform of China's Commercial Bank Efficiency, He Jiao, Fu Qiang, Pan Lu, FINANCE & ECONOMICS, 2010, (7)
Research on the bank risk control ability based on technology transfer and demonstration, Liu Lian, Fu Qiang, SCIENCE RESEARCH MANAGEMENT, 2010, 31(1)
Endogenous Growth Model of Multi- parameter FDI Spillover and Its Simulation, JIN Na, FU Qiang, SOFT SCIENCE, 2011, 25(6)
Time-varying Copula-GARCH-t Model Based on the MCMC Algorithm and its Application in Portfolio Risk Measurement, Fu Qiang, Peng Xuanhua, The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, 2011 (7) :90-105
A Study on the Price Pass-through Effect of RMB Exchange Rate, Fu Qiang, Wu Maohui, World Economy Studies, 2011 (7) :17-22
Estimate of Threshold Level of Inflation in China, Zhu Yingfeng, Fu Qiang, Yuan Chen, JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 2011, 24(3)
Impact of 5-D of Religiosity on Diffusion Rate of Innovation, International Journal of Business and Social Science, Afshan Azam, Fu Qiang, No2,VoL 17, 2011.8.22
Energy Price Shocks, Macroeconomic Factors and Determination of Industry Stock Returns——Empirical Evidence from Listed Companies in Chinese Stock Market, LI Hong-Xi, FU Qiang, Journal of Shanxi Finance and Economics University, 2011, (6)
The Assessment and Early Warning Mechanism of the Exogenous Risk of China’s Financial Opening, Finance Forum, 2011 (8) :3-11
Multi-scale Study on the Time-varying Dependency Structure between the Stock Index Futures and the Actual , Peng Xuanhua, Fu Qiang, Systems Engineering, 2011 (5) :14-22
Markov Regime Switching ARCH Model and VaR Estimation——An Empirical Research on Shanghai Composite Index, Fu Qiang, Xiao Zhu, Journal of Southwest Agricultural University, 2011, 33(7)
Coordination Strategy for Supply Chain with Buy-Back Contract, Qin Yanhong, Fu Qiang, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 2010, 13(1)
Product Configuration Based on Decision Tree and Minimum Conflict Repair Algorithm, Qin Yan-hong, Fu Qiang, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 2010, 13(6)
The Analysis to the Effect of Exogenous Risk Caused by Financial Openness on Economic Stabilization and Safety, Fu Qiang, Zhang Xiaobo, Nankai Economic Studies, 2011, (3)
Multi-resolution estimating model of the value-at-risk and its mean square error convergence analysis, PENG Xuan-hua, FU Qiang, Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice, 2011, 31(10)
Expansion of modeling method for GARCH based on wavelet multi-scale analysis, PENG Xuan-hua, FU Qiang, Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice, 2011, 31(11)
The Research about the Impact of FDI Behavioir Change on the Chinese Balance of Payments, Zhang Xiaobo, Fu Qiang, Management Review, 2012 , 24 (2) :88-96
The Influence of Industrial Structure Evolution on Atmospheric Environment -Based on the Panel Data of Industries in Chongqing, Fu Qiang, Chen Xuejiao, Forum on Science and Technology in China, 2011, (8)
The RMI and VMI Model of Multi Products in Two Stage Supply Chain, Yanhong Qin,FuQiang. International journal of Advancement in Computing Technology, vol3, nomber10, 2011, issn2005-8039, EI
The Postponement Strategy of Substitution Product Under Stochastic Demand, Yanhong Qin, Fuqiang, Journal of Information and Computational Science,vol8,nomber14,2011
Heterogeneous price expectations, risk free rate adjustment and volatility of security markets, Fu Qiang, Yuan Chen, Journal of Management Sciences in China, 2012, 15(8)
Risk Research for Chinese Stock Market Based on ARFIMA-WRBV-VaR Model, Journal of Southwest University(Natural Science), Fu Qiang, Wu Xili, 2013, 35(3)
Consumers' E-commerce Acceptance Model: Antecedents of Trust and Satisfaction Constructs >2012 IEEE Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications Colloquium,Afshan Azam; Fu Qiang; Abdullah Muhammad Ibrahim,2012-04-07
An Economic Model of the Consumers' Online Shopping Utility and Factors, International Journal of Computer Application, Afshan Azam; Fuqiang. 2012-08-01. Determinants of e-government services adoption in Pakistan: an integrated mode>Electronic Government, an International Journal, Afshan Azam; FuQiang, 2013-04-14
An Economic Model of the Consumers' Online Shopping Utility and Factors Affecting on Online Shopping >International Journal of Computer Applications, Afshan Azam;Fuqiang;, 2012-08-01
Time-varying Copula-GARCH-M-t Model based on the MCMC Procedure and Its Application to Portfolio Risk Prediction, Application of Statistics and Management, Peng Xuanhua, Fu Qiang, 2013, 32(1)
An Estimator about the Multivariate Copulas Density via Wavelet Local Threshold Method, Peng Xuanhua, Fu Qiang, Yuan Chen, He Jiao, Application of Statistics and Management, 2012, 31(6)
Study on China's Factor Input and Economic Growth: Panel Data Analysis Based on Aggregate Production Function, Li Hongxia, Fu Qiang, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), 2013, 15(2)
Research on Volatility Spillover Effect between Foreign Exchange Market and Gold Market Based on Copula-LSV-t Models, FU Qiang, ZHONG Shan, Forecasting, 2013, (4)
Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Economic Growth of Pakistan>International Journal of Economics and Finance. Nayyra Zeb, FuQiang, Sundas Rauf. Vol6, No1. January2014
Internet Banking as Determinant of Pakistan Banking Sector Profitability: ROA&ROE Model>European Journal of Business and Management,.Sundas RAUf ,FuQiang, Vol6,No12014 Pakistan Banking Sector Performance Based on Mobile Personal Devices: Intergrated Model of ROA & ROE>Rearch Journal of Finance and Accounting, Sundas Rauf ,FuQiang.Vol5,No1,2014 The Estimating Model of Technology Parks Potential >World Applied Science Journal AnnaV,Vilisona ,FuQiang. 4(11), 2013
Integrated Model to Measure the Impact of E-Banking Services on Commercial Banks ROE: EMpirical Study of Pakistan, 3rd Internationet Conference on Information, Businessad Eucation Technology(ICIBET2014),Sunas Rauf ,Fuqiang Telecommunication Infratructure and Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistn :An Empirical Study GLOBALJOURNALOFMANAGEMENTANDBUSINESSRESEARCH:B ECONOMICSANDCOMMERCE, Nayyra Zeb, Fu Qiang. 2014 VOl14,NO4
Calculation of Efficiency on Environmental Expenditure and Study on Influential Factors, Zhu Hao, Fu Qiang, China Population Resources and Environment, 2014, 24(6)


Grants and Awards

Teaching (2011-2016)
MBA Program:
Business Conflict and Negotiation,3 terms, 218 teaching hours
Modern negotiating art,10 terms, 320 teaching hours
MF Program:
Financial Risk Management,3 terms, 96 teaching hours
MPACC Program:
Risk Management,1 terms, 32 teaching hours
BA Program:
Innovation management,3 terms, 96 teaching hours
Leadership,4 terms, 128 teaching hours
Negotiation art,5 terms, 160 teaching hours
Business negotiation and communication,5 terms, 160 teaching hours
New Year Seminar,4 terms, 64 teaching hours

