Fri, Nov 10 2017 05:39 PM click:

AACSB Introduction
As the world’s largest business education alliance, AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) connects educators, students, and business to achieve a common goal: to create the next generation of great leaders. Synonymous with the highest standards of excellence since 1916, AACSB provides quality assurance, business education intelligence,
and professional development services to over 1,500 member organizations and more than 785 accredited business schools worldwide. With its global headquarters in Tampa, Florida, USA; Europe, Middle East, and Africa headquarters in Amsterdam, the Netherlands; and Asia Pacific headquarters in Singapore, AACSB’s mission is to foster engagement, accelerate innovation, and amplify impact in business education.

AACSB provides internationally recognized, specialized accreditation for business and accounting programs at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral level. The AACSB Accreditation Standards challenge post-secondary educators to pursue excellence and continuous improvement throughout their business programs.

AACSB Accreditation is known, worldwide, as the longest standing, most recognized form of specialized/professional accreditation an institution and its business programs can earn.

editation represents the highest standard of achievement for business schools worldwide. Being AACSB-accredited means a business school is able to continuously pass a strict set of standards that ensure quality.

AACSB Accreditation Procedure & Its Progress in SEBA

Stage Tasks Progress
Membership Application 1: Membership Application Membership granted on May, 2012
2: Eligibility Application Passed in Dec., 2012
Initial Accreditation 3: Review of Value, Mission and Strategy From 2013
4: Construction of AOL system, implementation and assessment From 2013 to 2015: construction,implementation.In early 2016, two-round Assessment Reports finished
5: Self evaluation iSER draft approved by IAC in Feb., 2016
6: Continuous improvement iSER Update approved by IAC in Aug., 2016
First Time Accreditation 7: Submission of Initial Accreditation Application Submitted in Oct., 2016
8: Preparation of SER SER submitted in Jan., 2017
9: PRT visit May 21st to 24th, 2017
Continuous Accreditation 10: Continuous Improvement Reveiew Oct. 17-19, 2022


