    Business Administration and Accounting Program of SEBA were Recognized as “First-Rate Undergraduate Discipline”
    Fri, Sep 18 2020 03:48 PM click:

    The Ministry of Education of China has recently announced inthe Notice on the List of National and Provincial First-Rate Undergraduate Programsthat 27 majors of Chongqing University are accredited as national first-rate undergraduate disciplines. Among them, two majors--Business Administration and Accounting offered by SEBA are accredited as national first-rate disciplines.

    In the next stage, SEBA will further strengthen the construction of first-rate undergraduate disciplines, deepen the education and teaching reform in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education, focus on creating high-quality offline, online and mixed teaching courses and social practice courses. With the mission of “to build a global vision with local relevance, to develop new management knowledge and cultivate outstanding talents”, SEBA is pursuing higher goals.

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