International Programs

Semester Exchange Program

• Student Exchange Program with Business School of University of Alberta, Canada

Student ExchangeProgramwithToulouse Business School, France

Double Degree Program

• 2 + 2 Program with Business School University of Victoria, Canada

• 2 + 2 Program with Business School of University of Alberta, Canada

• 2 + 2 Program with emlyon business school, France

• 3 + 1.5Master of Professional Accounting Program with School of Accountancy of Singapore Management University, Singapore

3 + 1.5 Master of IT in Business Program with School of Information Systems of Singapore Management University, Singapore

• 3 + 1 + 1 Bachelor Master Program withUniversity of California, Irvine, USA

• 1 + 1.5 + 0.5 Master of Finance And Master of Quantitative Finance and Data Analytics with emlyon business school, France

• 1 + 1 + 1Master of Finance Program with University of Geneva, Switzerland

• 1 + 1 + 1 Master of Finance Program with Antwerp Management School, Belgium

Short-term Program

• Study Tour Program by Chongqing University School of Economics and Business Administration

- Business School of University of Cincinnati

• Study Tour Program by Chongqing University School of Economics and Business Administration

- University of Oxford

• Study Tour Program by Chongqing University School of Economics and Business Administration

- University of California,Berkeley and University of California,Davis

• Study Tour Program by Chongqing University School of Economics and Business Administration

- University of Tokyo / Waseda University
