
Current position: 英文版>> Faculty>> 正文
Tian Tian
Update : 2021-04-26 Read :


【CONTACT INFORMATION】E-mail: tiantian@cqu.edu.cn


Dr. Tian graduated from Southeast University (Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering, 2014). During doctoral research, she engaged in organs-on-chips research in Harvard Medical School as a joint PhD student. After the completion of postdoctoral research, she joined Chongqing University in 2015 to carry out teaching and research work. She has presided Youth Science Fund Project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) , Engineering Medicine Project supported by Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,sub-project supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China, Open Project supported by Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education Fund Project. Current courses taught by Dr. Tian include Biomedical Informatics, Introduction to Neuroscience, etc.


1. Designs of coupled-organs-on-chips to simulate the microenvironment in vivo;

2. High-throughput, quantitated and progressive analysis from micro-organ to cell markers

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