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Contract Signing Forum for Deepening Strategic Cooperation between CQU and the Government of Wanzhou District & Inauguration Ceremony of the Three Gorges Hospital Affiliated to CQU Held in Wanzhou
Update : 2020-10-12 Read :

In order to further implement the strategic layout of Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle as set out by the Central Committee of CPC and the decision and deployment about the development pattern that includes “one district and two groups” as proposed by the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee, the Contract Signing Forum for Deepening Strategic Cooperation between CQU and the Government of Wanzhou District & Inauguration Ceremony of the Three Gorges Hospital Affiliated to CQU was held on July 27, 2020 in Wanzhou. Mo Gongming, a standing member of CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee and secretary of CPC Wanzhou District Committee, Shu Lichun, secretary of CPC CQU Committee, Zhang Zongyi, CQU’s president, Nie Hongyan, deputy secretary of CPC Wanzhou District Committee and head of the district, Jiang Xuesong, a standing member of CPC Wanzhou District Committee and the managing deputy head of the district, Liu Wei, a standing member of CPC Wanzhou District Committee and director of the Central Office of the Committee, Jiang Yiyi, deputy head of the government of the district, and Liu Hanlong, vice president of Chongqing University, were present at the event.

At the Forum, Nie Hongyan gave an introduction to the social-economic development of Wanzhou District and the progress in cooperation between the two sides. Nie expressed her desire to further promote the existing cooperation and seek for opportunities for extensive and in-depth cooperation in areas such as enterprise-university-research cooperation, joint construction of colleges and universities and talent cultivation using their respective advantages. She said that during this period of time, the two sides should start a new chapter of mutual beneficial cooperation and add new power to their development.

Zhang Zongyi briefed the attendants on the latest progress in the “Double-First-Rate” construction of Chongqing University. Zhang stressed that the contract signing between the two sides was part of the move to implement the decision and deployment made by the municipal government and the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee, and was a response to the internal need of future development of CQU and Wanzhou District. Given such a good opportunity, the two are expected to achieve something great. According to Zhang, CQU will take this opportunity to refine and implement the content in the cooperation agreement, and give full play to its advantages in disciplines, talents and science and technology, and comprehensively deepen cooperation with Wanzhou in various areas, and extensively participate in the social-economic construction of Wanzhou, in an ultimate effort to drive the industrial transformation and high-quality development of Wanzhou, contribute to construction of Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, support the “two-point” positioning of Chongqing, realize the “two-high” goal and play the “three roles” as anticipated.

CQU General Institute of Architectural Planning and Design, Wanzhou Planning and Design Institute and Chongqing Dayou Design Group signed the cooperative operation agreement.

Liu Hanlong and Jiang Xuesong signed the agreement on comprehensively deepening strategic cooperation between Chongqing University and the People’s Government of Wanzhou District.

After the signing ceremony, Shu Lichun pointed out that the contract signing was only a beginning. According to Shu, in the next step, the two sides should further refine the content of the strategic cooperation agreement and carry out every requirement and each task as planned. The two are expected to cooperate to build the Three Gorges Hospital Affiliated to Chongqing University, the Northeast Chongqing Branch of CQU General Institute of Architectural Planning and Design and the Yangtze River Basin Ecological Environment Protection and Sustainable Development Institute satisfactorily. Besides, the two will work together to promote comprehensive services such as science and technology, education and talents and to build more useful bases, launch more projects and transform more achievements of Chongqing University in Wanzhou District. While expediting the “Double-First-Rate” construction, characteristic construction and high-quality construction, the two will collaborate to secure the leading role of Wanzhou in high-quality development of towns and townships of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region in northeast Chongqing.

Mo Gongming highlighted in his speech that Wanzhou was currently learning and implementing the spirit of President Xi Jinping’s important speeches, carrying out the deployment requirements of CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee and practicing the “one-center and six-pattern” approach in an effort to expedite construction of the economic center of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region and promote the influential power of central cities of the Region. Mo expressed his hope to bring the scientific and technological achievements, innovative ideas and excellent talents to Wanzhou and strengthen the cooperation ties between the two sides and carry out more practical and in-depth cooperation between CQU and Wanzhou District in areas such as joint construction of colleges and universities, collaborative problem tackling through enterprise-university-research cooperation, scientific and technological achievement transformation, in-depth engagement in advantageous areas and cultivation of cadres and talents. The two sides are also expected to co-build innovation agencies such as R&D centers, scientific research institutes and key labs, and work together to set up multi-form scientific and technological incubators, thus achieving a win-win result.

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