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Wei Wu
Update : 2024-02-28 Read :

TITLE & POSITIONWei Wu,Ph.D, Professor

ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTSMember of International Atherosclerosis Society China Branch, Member of the Youth Working Group of Atherosclerosis Professional Committee of Chinese Pathophysiological Society, Member of Chinese Society of Biomaterials, Member of Chinese Chemical Society, Member of Chinese Society of Micron and Nanotechnology, Member of Science Communication Branch of Chongqing Association of Social Medical Institutions, Young editorial member of Chinese Journal of Arteriosclerosis





Dr.Wugraduated fromSichuanUniversity (Ph.D. inBiomedicalEngineering, 2015.06). After the completion of in-service postdoctoral research atChongqingUniversity,hejoined Chongqing University (2015.07) to carry out teaching/research work.Hehas presided1Project supported by the National key research and development plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology,3Projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC),2Project supported by theNatural Science Foundation of Chongqing.Hehas publishedmore than 70papers in journals such asProgress in Polymer Science, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Science, Chemical Engineering Journal, Theranostics,etc. Many papers were selected asESI and Front Coverarticles of journals, or highlighted by media such asPeople's Daily Online, Chongqing Evening News, Chongqing Radio,etc. Moreover,hehas applied and obtained7patents of inventions. Current courses taught by Dr.Wuinclude"Biomedical Polymer Materials", "Nanoscale Biomaterials and Technology", "Progress in Modern Bioengineering", etc.Hehas supervised/co-supervised30master students and10Ph.D. students,1of whom have won the Chongqing UniversityDistinguished Doctorial Thesis awards.


1.Biomimetic-intelligent nano-carriers based on cell membrane:This research focus on "membrane based biomimetic and intelligent nano-carrier", by concentrating on "biomimetic and intelligent nano-carrier", and developing "membrane based the multiple target functionalized "shell" , the intelligent nanoscale "core", efficient and safe therapy, and Theranostic systems", aiming at resolving the key technologies of targeted delivery and controlled drug release for the nano-carriers' safe and efficient therapy, exploring the key technical difficulties of synergistic cell membrane and intelligent nanomedicine to improve the therapeutic efficacy and safety. This topic mainly focuses on developing nano-carriers for cardio-cerebrovascular, inflammatory pathology, glioma and other application scenarios.

2.Engineered probiotics:Through material surface engineering (envelope, polymer functional modification, gel, etc.) and genetically engineered probiotics transformation, engineered probiotics are constructed for efficient and safe diagnosis and treatment of intestinal diseases.

3.Wound repair materials (Hospital cooperation reseach) :Construct the antioxidant, antibacterial and other active functional materials (nano, gel), to achieve the basis of efficient wound diagnosis and treatment and application research and development.


1.Wu W,Wang W, Li J,* Star polymers: Advances in biomedical applications.Progress in Polymer Science,2015, 46:55-85.(IF: 27.1, ESI)

2. Wang Y, Zhang K, Qin X, Li T, Qiu J, Yin T, Huang J, McGinty S, Pontrelli G, Ren J, Wang Q,Wu W,*Wang G,* Biomimetic nanotherapies: red blood cell based core–shell structured nanocomplexes for atherosclerosis management.Advanced Science, 2019, 6 (12): 1900172.(IF: 15.1, ESI)

3. Wang Y,†Zhang K,†Li T, Maruf A, Qin X, Luo L, Zhong Y, Qiu J, McGinty S, Pontrelli G, Liao X,*Wu W,*Wang G,* Macrophage membrane functionalized biomimetic nanoparticles for targeted anti-atherosclerosis applications.Theranostics, 2021; 11(1): 164-180.(IF: 12.4, ESI, Cover)

4.Qin X,†Zhu L,†Zhong Y, Wang Y, Wu G, Qiu J, Wang G, Qu K,* Zhang K,*Wu W,*Spontaneously Right-Side-Out-Orientated Coupling-Driven ROS-Sensitive Nanoparticles on Cell Membrane Inner Leaflet for Efficient Renovation in Vascular Endothelial Injury.Advanced Science, 2023, 10(6): 220509.IF15.1

5.Zhang K,†Zhu L,†Zhong Y, Xu L, Lang C, Chen J, Yan F, Li J, Qiu J, Chen Y, Sun D, Wang G, Qu K,* Qin X,*Wu W,*Prodrug Integrated Envelope on Probiotics to Enhance Target Therapy for Ulcerative Colitis.Advanced Science,2023, 10(4): 2205422.IF15.1

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