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Xiaoying Wu
Update : 2017-04-24 Read :

ProfessorXiaoying Wu

Doctoral Supervisor



lB.S. Applied Physics, Southwest Normal University, 1991

lPh.D. Biomedical Engineering, Chongqing University, 2010

Society Affiliation and Activities

lMedical Neuroengineering Branch, Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering, Fellow

lMedical Artificial Intelligence Branch, Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering, Fellow

lRehabilitation Engineering Branch, Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering, Fellow

Personal Statement

X.Y. Wu, PhD., Professor, Doctoral Supervisor.

Prof. Wu has been funded to lead several research studies as a Primary Investigator/Project Leader, including the project (1) of National High-tech R&D Program of China, project (1) of National Key Research and Development Program, General Projects (2) of National Natural Science Foundation Program, and other provincial projects (10) funded by the Chongqing Science and Technology Tackling Program, Chongqing Science and Technology Special Program in Social and People's Livelihood, the Guangdong Key Research and Development Program, etc. Prof. Wu has already been granted 10 patents for invention, and has published over 50 papers in SCI journals including the top magazines such as the IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, Lasers in Medical Science, Frontiers in neuroscience, etc. She has also given more than 10 invited reports in several important international and domestic academic conferences such as Annual meetings hosted by IEEE EMBS, the Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering, etc. For undergraduate and graduate students, Prof. Wu give lectures in courses such as “Medical Physics", "Medical Electronic Instrument Testing Technology", "Comprehensive Testing of Medical Devices", "Design of Biomedical Sensor Detection System”.

Research Interests

lNeural engineering and rehabilitation:
sensory enhancement and neural interface in motor rehabilitation, technique developments for nerve stimulation and functional regulation

lBiomedical information detection:
detection and pattern recognition of physiological signals from infant movements, early recognition of motor dysfunction and prediction of human developmental process

lMedical artificial intelligence:
intelligent recognition of motion patterns based on machine vision, characteristics analysis and data mining of medical health signals

Funding Sources2015-

lMinistry of Science and Technology,临床评价信息采集与分析系统建设,National Key Research and Development ProgramGrant No. 2016YFC0107111

lNational Natural Science Foundation of China,婴幼儿膝爬的运动协同变异性及运动发育迟缓早期辨识, General ProgramGrant No. NSFC31971287

lChongqing Science and Technology Department,脑瘫上肢多自由度康复训练及助力系统开发,Chongqing Science and Technology Special Program in Social and People's LivelihoodGrant No. cstc2016shmszx130060

lNational Natural Science Foundation of China,婴幼儿膝爬的肌肉协同收缩及其对脑瘫早期运动功能评估的研究,General ProgramGrant No. NSFC31470953

lGuangdong Science and Technology Department,双向神经通路的智能上肢假肢研究,Key Program


1. Bin Jiang, Wensheng Hou, Nan Xia, Fei Peng, Xing Wang, Chunye Chen, Yi Zhou, Xiaolin Zheng, Xiaoying Wu. Inhibitory effect of 980 nm laser on neural activity of the rat’s cochlear nucleus. Neurophotonics, 2019, 6

2. Qiliang Xiong, Xiaoying Wu, Jun Yao, Theresa S. Moulton, Nong Xiao, Lin Chen, Xiaolin Zheng, Yuan Liu, Wens Hou. Inter-Limb Muscle Synergy and Kinematic Analysis of Hands-and-Knees Crawling in Typical Development Infants and Infants with Developmental Delay. Frontiers in Neurology. 9: 869, 2018

3. Xiong QL, Hou WS, Xiao N, Chen YX, Yao J, Zheng XL, Liu Y, Wu XY. Motor Skill Development Alters Kinematics and Co-Activation Between Flexors and Extensors of Limbs in Human Infant Crawling[J]. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 2018, 26(4):780-

4. Xiao Y. Wu, Zong X. Mou, Wen S. Hou, Xiao L. Zheng, Jun P. Yao, Guan B. Shang, and Zheng Q. Yin. Irradiation of 850 nm laser light changes the neural activities in rat primary visual cortex. Lasers in Medical Science, 2013,28(3): 791-798

5. Xiaoying Wu, Weina Li, Shan Shen, Xiaolin Zheng, Yang zhang, Wensheng Hou. Corticomuscular coherence modulation with the pattern of finger force coordination. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 2013, 21(5): 812-819

Patent & Criteria

1. Lintao Hu, Wensheng Hou, Xiaoying Wu, Yun Zhao, Bowen Xiao, Lin Chen.一种自由度优化的四自由度穿戴式上肢运动辅助装置. Invention Patent LicenseZL201810587631.6

2. Qiliang Xiong, Wensheng Hou, Yanqiu Sun, Xiaoying Wu, Nong Xiao, Yuxia Chen, Yuan Liu.一种可穿戴式膝爬运动生理参数检测装置,Invention Patent LicenseZL. 201510885980.2

3. Wensheng Hou, Yufeng Guo, Xiaoying Wu, Xiaoping Wan, Yanjian Liao, Ziwei Wang, Tao Wang, Xiaolin Zheng, Hongyan Luo, Jun Yang.用于稳定肌电假肢手力量输出的电刺激诱发肌电反馈控制方法及装置,Invention Patent LicenseZL.201410758634.3

4. Wensheng Hou, Xiaoying Wu, Nan Xia, Xiaolin Zheng, Xing Wang, Yanjian Liao, Hongyan Luo.透射式多通道近红外光脉冲耳蜗神经刺激装置,Invention Patent LicenseZL.201310373603.1

5. Xing Wang, Wensheng Hou, Xiaolin Zheng, Nan Xia, Manqing Wang, Xiaoping Wan.近红外光刺激神经的修复装置. Invention Patent LicenseZL.201310052800. 3

Major for Candidate

Doctoral Candidate:

Biomedical Engineering: 1. Biomedical Electronic Information and Instruments; 2. Intelligent medical engineering

Postgraduate Candidate:

Biomedical Engineering: 1. Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation Technology; 2. Biomedical sensing detection and medical instruments; 3. Biomedical image analysis and health information engineering;

Biology and Medicine: 1. Intelligent medical technology and systems; 2. Digital health engineering; 3. Biomedical Engineering and Equipment

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