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Shourong Wu
Update : 2017-04-24 Read :

【TITLE & POSITION】 Professor, Master and Doctorial Supervisor, PI of Lab of Molecular Biomedicine

【ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS】Member of Academic Committee of Chongqing Municipal Key Laboratory of Translational Research for Tumor Metastasis and Personalized Diagnosis and Therapy; Vice President of Chinese Student Association of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS); Committee member of Special Committee of Translational Medicine, China Medicinal Biotechnology Association; Committee member of Special Committee of Tumor Metabolism, Chinese Anticancer Association; Committee member of Special Committee of Hemorheology, Chinese Society of Microcirculation; Members of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Molecular Biology Society of Japan (MBSJ), Chinese Society for Molecular Biology, Chinese Society for Cell Biology, etc. Peer review expert for National Natural Science Foundation of China, The Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China, Doctoral and Master Thesis (Ministry of Education, China); and for more than 20 SCI journals including Cancer Research, Oncogene, EBioMedicine, Theranostics, ACS Nano, Molecular Pharmaceutics, etc.

【CONTACT INFORMATION】E-mail: shourongwu@cqu.edu.cn


Dr. Shourong Wu was graduated from The University of Tokyo (Ph.D. in Biological Engineering, 2008.03). After the completion of postdoctoral research at School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo (2008-2011), he joined Chongqing University (2011.11) to carry out teaching/research work. He has been awarded “Chongqing Talent”. He has presided 2 Projects supported National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and 4 Provincial/Ministerial Projects. He has published more than 30 papers in journals such as Science Advances, Science Translational Medicine, Cancer Research, Molecular Therapy, etc., with more than 1000 total citations. Many papers were highlighted by media such as Asahi News (Japan), Xinhua News Agency, Science and Technology Daily, etc. Moreover, he has published 2 book chapters, and applied 13 patents of inventions and 1 PCT patent application, among them 2 Japanese Patent applications and 4 Chinese Patent applications have been granted. He attended Cold-Spring Harbor Symposium, American Molecular Therapy Symposium, and other international symposiums and presented his work for 5 times. He has been awarded as Outstanding Foreign Student of The University of Tokyo, and as Special Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). Current courses taught by Dr. Wu Shourong include “Pharmacology”, “Tumor Biology”, “Developmental Biology”, “Experimental Course of Molecular Biology”, etc. He has supervised 9 master students and 7 Ph.D. students, 2 of whom have won the Chongqing University Distinguished Master/Doctorial Thesis awards. Under his supervision, many students have obtained National Scholarship, First Prize in the National Life Science Competition, Chongqing Municipal Post-graduate Students Innovation Project, National Undergraduate Students Innovation Projects, etc.


1. Roles and molecular mechanisms of tumor metabolism and angiogenesis under tumor microenvironment in promoting tumorigenesis, and their novel therapeutic targets.

2. Molecular mechanisms of therapeutic angiogenesis for hind-limb ischemic disease, and exploration for small molecule compounds as potential drugs for therapeutic angiogenesis.

3. Translational research of anti-tumor small molecule drugs and novel molecular targets for therapeutic angiogenesis.


1. Ian Timothy Sembiring Meliala, Rendy Hosea, Vivi Kasim*, Shourong Wu*,The biological implications of Yin Yang 1 in the hallmarks of cancer, Theranostics (IF:8.579), 2020, 10(9):4183-4200.

2. Yanjun Li, Vivi Kasim*, Xuesong Yan, Lang Li, Ian Timothy Sembiring Meliala, Can Huang, Zhuolin Li, Ke Lei, Guanbin Song, Xiaodong Zheng, Shourong Wu*, Yin Yang 1 facilitates hepatocellular carcinoma cell lipid metabolism and tumor progression by inhibiting PGC-1β−induced fatty acid oxidation,Theranostics (IF:8.579), 2019, 9(25):7599-7615.

3. Shourong Wu*, Huimin Wang, Yanjun Li, Yudan Xie, Can Huang, Hezhao Zhao, Makoto Miyagishi, and Vivi Kasim*, Transcription Factor YY1 Promotes Cell Proliferation by Directly Activating the Pentose Phosphate Pathway, Cancer Research (IF:9.727), 2018, 78(16):4549-4562

4. Can Huang, Shourong Wu*, Hong Ji, Xuesong Yan, Yudan Xie, Saomi Murai, Hezhao Zhao, Makoto Miyagishi, Vivi Kasim*, Identification of XBP1-u as a novel regulator of the MDM2/p53 axis using an shRNA library, Science Advances (IF:13.116), 2017, 3(10):e1701383

5. Shourong Wu*,#, Vivi Kasim#, Mitsunobu R. Kano, Sayaka Tanaka, Shinsuke Ohba, Yutaka Miura, Kanjiro Miyata, Xueying Liu, Ako Matsuhashi, Ung-il Chung, Li Yang, Kazunori Kataoka, Nobuhiro Nishiyama*, and Makoto Miyagishi*,Transcription factor YY1 contributes to tumor growth by stabilizing hypoxia factor HIF-1α in a p53-independent manner,Cancer Research (IF:9.727), 2013, 73(6):1787-1799

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