
Current position: 英文版>> Faculty>> 正文
Vivi Kasim
Update : 2017-04-24 Read :

【TITLE & POSITION】Professor, Master and Doctorial Supervisor, PI of Lab of Molecular Biomedicine

【ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS】Peer review expert for National Natural Science Foundation of China, Chongqing Municipal “Branded course taught in English for International Student”, Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing, Doctoral and Master Thesis (Ministry of Education, China); Consultant for Higher Education Directorate of Indonesian Ministry of Education; Editorial Board Member of “Onco Therapeutic”; Peer review experts for more than 30 SCI journals including Nature Communications, Cancer Research, Oncogene, EBioMedicine, Therapeutics, etc.; Standing Committee Member of Special Committee of Hemorheology, Chinese Society of Microcirculation; Youth Council Committee Member of Special Committee of Tumor Metabolism, Chinese Anti-cancer Association; Members of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Japanese Cancer Association (JCA), Molecular Biology Society of Japan (MBSJ), Chinese Society for Molecular Biology, Chinese Society for Cell Biology, etc.

【CONTACT INFORMATION】E-mail: vivikasim@cqu.edu.cn;


Dr. Vivi Kasim accomplished her Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral degree programs at The University of Tokyo, Japan. She was graduated from the Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo (Ph.D. in Engineering, 2007.03). After the completion of postdoctoral research at Institute of Molecular and Cellular Bioscience, The University of Tokyo from 2007-2009; she worked as a Research Residence at National Cancer Center, Japan from 2009-2011, and joined Chongqing University (2012.01) to carry out teaching/research work. She has been awarded as “Chongqing Talent”. She has presided 3 Projects supported National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and 4 Provincial/Ministerial Projects, and serves as Project Leader of “Branded course taught in English for International Student” from Ministry of Education. She has published more than 30 papers in journals such as Nature, Science Advances, PNAS, Cancer Research, Theranostics, Nucleic Acids Research, etc., with more than 1000 total citations. Many papers were highlighted by media such as Asahi News (Japan), Xinhua News Agency, Science and Technology Daily, etc. Moreover, she has published 3 book chapters, applied 11 patents of inventions (3 of them have been granted), and attended more than 10 International Symposium as Invited Speaker (including Annual Meeting of Molecular Biology Society of Japan and 12th Annual World Cancer Congress). Current courses taught by Dr. Vivi Kasim include “Molecular Biology (English Course” (“Branded course taught in English for International Student” from Ministry of Education), “Tumor Biology”, “Professional English”, “Experimental Course for Molecular Biology”, etc. She has supervised 20 master students and 5 Ph.D. students, 3 of whom have won the Chongqing University Distinguished Master, Doctorial, and Undergraduate Thesis awards. Under her supervision, many students have been awarded National Scholarship, First Prize in the National Life Science Competition, and Second Prize in the “Chengdu-Chongqing Double City Economic Circle Foreign Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition”.


1. Tumor cells’ cell cycle regulatory mechanism, especially the molecular mechanistic control of tumor suppressor p53, the molecular mechanistic control of stemness maintenance of cancer stem cells, and other basic research regarding tumors.

2. Tumor cells genomic instability and tumor cells’ drug resistance.

3. Applied translational molecular biomedical research for anti-tumor and angiogenesis therapies based on novel molecular signaling pathways and novel molecular therapeutic targets.


1. The biological implications of Yin Yang 1 in the hallmarks of cancer, Theranostics (IF: 8.579), 2020, 10(9):4183-4200. (Corresponding author)

2. Yin Yang 1 facilitates hepatocellular carcinoma cell lipid metabolism and tumor progression by inhibiting PGC-1β-induced fatty acid oxidation. Theranostics (IF:8.579), 2019, 9(25):7599-7615. (Corresponding author)

3. Transcription Factor YY1 Promotes Cell Proliferation by Directly Activating the Pentose Phosphate Pathway, Cancer Research (IF:9.727), 2018, 78(16):4549-4562. (Corresponding author)

4. Identification of XBP1-u as a novel regulator of the MDM2/p53 axis using an shRNA library, Science Advances (IF:13.116), 2017, 3(10): e1701383. (Corresponding author)

5. Control of siRNA expression using the Cre-loxP recombination system, Nucleic Acids Research (IF: 11.5), 2004, 32(7):e66. (First author)

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