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Jun Pan
Update : 2017-04-24 Read :

【TITLE & POSITION】Professor,Ph. D. Supervisor

【ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS】Committee of Key lab of Leather Green Design and Manufacture in Fujian Province; Committee of Biomaterials, Biomechanics and Biophysics Society.

【CONTACT INFORMATION】E-mail: panj@cqu.edu.cn; Website: www.panj.cqu.edu.cn.


Dr. Jun Pan graduated from Sichuan University (Ph.D. in Leather Science and Engineering, 1998.06). After the completion of postdoctoral research at Chongqing University, she joined Chongqing University (1998.06) to carry out teaching/research work. She has presided four Projects supported National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Three Projects supported by Chongqing. She has published thirty-one SCI papers in journals such as J Bone Miner Res.;ACS Appl Mater Interfaces;Nanoscale, etc. Moreover, she has applied and obtained seven patents of inventions. Current courses taught by Dr. Jun Pan include Bioorganic Chemistry, Bioanalysis and Detection, Novel Materials and Drug Delivery System, etc. She has supervised twenty-eight master students and sixteen Ph.D. students, two of whom have won the Chongqing Distinguished Master/Doctorial Thesis awards.


1. Biomaterials, mainly in intelligent biomaterials, nanomaterials and biodegradable biomaterials and applications.

2. Biomechanics, focusing on bone and cartilage tissues and cells, their relationship with pathogenesis and treatment of related diseases.


1. Luo C, Lv D, Pan J*, Long M*. Improving the gene transfection in human embryonic stem cells: Balancing with cytotoxicity and pluripotent maintenance. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2016 Apr 6;8(13):8367-75.

2. Wang B, Lai X, Price C, Thompson WR, Li W, Quabili TR, Tseng WJ, Liu XS, Zhang H, Pan J, Kirn-Safran CB, Farach-Carson MC, Wang L*. Perlecan-containing pericellular matrix regulates solute transport and mechanosensing within the osteocyte lacunar-canalicular system. J Bone Miner Res. 24, 2014 Apr; 29(4): 878-91.

3. Wang B, Zhou X, Price C, Li W, Pan J, Wang L*. Quantifying load-induced solute transport and solute-matrix interaction within the osteocyte lacunar-canalicular system. J Bone Miner Res. 2013 May; 28(5): 1075-86.

4. Huang X, Wang X, Wang S, Yang J, Zhong L, Pan J*. UV and dark-triggered repetitive release and encapsulation of benzophenone-3 from biocompatible ZnO nanoparticles potential for skin protection. Nanoscale. 2013 Jun 21; 5(12): 5596-601.

5. Yue D, Zhang M, Lu J, Zhou J, Bai Y, Pan J*. The rate of fluid shear stress is a potent regulator for the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. J Cell Physiol. 2019 Feb;234(9):16312-16319.

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