【7月25日】 德国锡根大学张传增教授报告
发布时间:2014-07-21| 作者:| 阅读数:

题目:Transient Thermoelastic Crack Analysis of Functionally Graded Materials and Structures under Thermal Shock and Mechanical Impact

主 讲 人:张传增 教授,德国锡根大学




Functionally graded materials (FGMs) represent a new class of high-performance composites with a continuously changing composition of the material constituents over the volume. Due to the continuous transition of the mechanical and thermal properties, FGMs have no interphases or interfaces and are consequently advantageous over the conventional composites. A representative example of FGMs is the ceramic/metal composite that possesses the desirable properties of ceramics and metals. Because of the inherent brittle nature of ceramics cracks or crack-like defects may develop during the manufacturing process or their services. Therefore, fracture analysis of functionally graded materials and structures is of particular interest and importance for their optimal design and innovative engineering applications. In this presentation, some recent research results obtained at the Chair of Structural Mechanics, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Science and Technology, University of Siegen, Germany, will be reported.

In particular, two-dimensional (2D) transient thermoelastic crack problems in continuously non-homogeneous, isotropic and linear elastic FGMs under thermal shock and me chanical impact are analyzed. Several examples will be shown to reveal the effects of the material gradation, the loading condition and the thermomechanical coupling on the crack-tip characterizing parameters in functionally graded materials and structures.



Advances in Materials and Mechanics (AMM),Book Series,HEP-Springer,高等教育出版社和斯普林格出版社,副主编。

International Journal of Computational Methods (IJCM),编委。

Structural Durability & Health Monitoring,编委。Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences (2003-2007),编委。

Electronic Journal for Boundary Elements,编委。

Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields,编委。

Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,编委。

Computational and Experimental Methods in Structures,Book Series,Word Scientific & Imperial College,世界科技和伦敦帝国学院出版社,编委。

Engineering Fracture Mechanics,执行特邀编辑 (2009-2010)。

Advances in Mechanical Engineering Advance,执行特邀编辑 张传增教授及其科研小组目前从事多项德国科研基金会(DFG)、德国教科部(BMBF)和德意志学术交流中心(DAAD)资助的科研项目,正在承担《功能梯度材料在热冲击作用时的断裂力学分析》、《声子材料性能研究》、《磁电热弹多场耦合材料断裂研究》、《纳米结构表面效应的理论建模和数值模拟》等多项研究项目。近5年来承担欧盟、德国科研基金会(DFG)、德国科教部(BMBF)、德意志学术交流中心(DAAD)等官方资助的科研项目10余项,并与国内许多高校科研单位在功能梯度材料、智能材料、建筑物节能、再生混凝土应用,以及联合培养研究生等领域开展了密切合作。


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