【9月20日】Ion Conductors for Applications in Advanced Future Energy Storages
发布时间:2017-09-19| 作者:| 阅读数:

讲座题目:Ion Conductors for Applications in Advanced Future Energy Storages
主 讲 人:Li Lu; National University of Singapore; deputy dean; full professor
Ion-conductors are often named as electrolyte when they are used in batteries, fuel cells and air-batteries. One of essential requirements used as electrolytes is high ion conductivity, and others include wide electrochemical window, stability against counterpart electrodes, and of course high safety.
Although solid-state electrolytes are old stories, they have recently received intensive attention due to their stability within a wide potential voltage window. In addition to that, solid-state electrolytes are chemically stable in compared with their counterpart, the organic electrolytes. There are many types of Li-ion conductors such as Nasicon-type, Lisicon-type, Perovskite-type etc. The highest ion conductivity can now be comparable to organic liquid one of about 10-2 while others are in the range of 10-6 to 10-3. Although there is large difference in ionic conductivity, they show different advantages and applications.
This talk will provide basic concept of ion conductors and their applications in solid state battery, air-battery and other nontraditional batteries.
Li Lu received his B.Eng and M. Eng from Tsinghua University, China, and his Ph.D from the Katholiek Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. After four years of doctoral study and two years of post-doctoral work at the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. He joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore in 1991 and is a Full Professor. He is also Adjunct Scientist in Materials Research Institute of Engineering, Singapore, Guest Professor of Zhejiang University, China and Honorius Professor of University of Queensland, Australia.
Dr. Lu is involved in the research of functional materials, mainly in two directions: i) materials for Li-ion rechargeable batteries which include traditional bulk batteries and all-solid-state batteries, and for supercapacitors, and ii) piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials. More recent years Dr. Lu has been heavily involved in development of thin film batteries, and Li-ion conductors for all-solid-state battery and air-batteries.
Dr. Lu is Deputy Head of Mechanical Engineering for Academic Affairs. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of Functional Materials Letters, and Associate Editor of Materials Technology particularly in charge of functional materials. He is Chairman of Functional Materials Society.

吕老师现在是新加坡国立大学的full professor, 还是该校机械工程学院分管学术研究的副院长;同时还是北京大学和浙江大学的客座教授、昆士兰大学的名誉教授。另外,他还是SCI期刊Functional Materials Letters的主编、Materials Technology的副主编;他还是Functional Materials Society的主席。




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