【10月20日】Composites Innovation Activities in Bristol and High Performance Pseudo-ductile Composites
发布时间:2023-10-17| 作者:| 阅读数:

报告时间:2023年10月20日 15:00


报告题目:Composites Innovation Activities in Bristol and High Performance Pseudo-ductile Composites


A brief introduction will be given to Bristol Composites Institute and the National Composites Centre, both part of the University of Bristol. An overview will then be provided of the HiPerDuCT programme between Bristol and Imperial College. Fragmentation in thin-ply hybrid composites produces a non-linear stress-strain response with pseudo-ductility. Behaviour in tension, compression and bending will be described, showing how the approach can produce composites that fail more gradually.


Michael R. Wisnom院士,英国皇家工程院院士,世界著名的纤维增强树脂基复合材料专家,是复合材料力学、断裂机制、失效准则与有限元分析及工程应用世界领衔权威,英国机械工程师学会和美国复合材料学会的Fellow。

Wisnom教授本科毕业于伦敦帝国理工学院,博士毕业于布里斯托大学,曾在英国航空公司(British Aerospace)民用航空部门工作。1987年加入布里斯托大学作为航天器结构方向讲师,1995年成为航空航天结构教授。2006年牵头创立了英国布里斯托复合材料研究院(Bristol Composites Institute, BCI); 2007年牵头创立了劳斯莱斯全球唯一的复合材料大学技术中心(RR-UTC)并任中心主任至2017年; 联合英国龙头企业(空中客车、劳斯莱斯、维斯塔斯 等)创建了英国国家复合材料中心(NCC)并任学术委员会主席; 2009-2011年间担任复合材料国际委员会(ICCM)主席; 是复合材料顶尖期刊Composites Part A杂志主编,国际复合材料委员会World Fellow、2005年获得皇家学会沃尔夫森研究奖 (领域突出贡献奖), 迄今为止发表科研论文500余篇。


Professor Michael R. Wisnom is Professor of Aerospace Structures at the University of Bristol, and was the founding Director of Bristol Composites Institute. He is a leading expert on the mechanics and failure of fibre reinforced composites, with over 500 published papers. He is Editor in Chief and European Editor for Applied Science and Manufacturing of the international journal Composites Part A. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and of the American Society for Composites. Professor Wisnom was the recipient of a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award and is a past President of the International Committee on Composite Materials.

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