性别:男 专业:工程力学 出生日期:1986年2月8日 邮箱:jwu@cqu.edu.cn
教育背景 Ph.D(2010年9月—2014年9月):阿尔伯塔大学,加拿大 M.Sc(2008年9月—2010年6月):重庆大学,中国 B.E.(2004年9月—2008年6月):重庆大学,中国
研究方向: 1.双网络水凝胶断裂特性的研究:求解裂纹尖端的有限变形场,探索双网络水凝胶的增韧机理。 2.纳米压痕问题研究:考虑表面张力作用下,求解力和位移关系,为实验测量材料的力学特性提供理论依据。 3.液体夹杂问题:探索液体夹杂对固-液复合材料力学特性的影响。 欢迎有兴趣的同学一起加入学习,感受力学之美!
代表论文 1. Wu J*, Ru CQ. An analytical solution to the adhesive cylindrical indentation of a compressible elastic thin layer. The Journal of Adhesion. 2020:1-19. 2. Wu GT, Wu J*, Zhang L. An analytical analysis of receding contact between a compressible elastic thin film and a rigid substrate due to spherical indentation. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 2019;70(4):126. 3. Zhang L, Wu GT, Wu J*. A Kerr‐type elastic foundation model for the buckling analysis of a beam bonded on an elastic layer. ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. 2019:e201900162. 4. Wu J, Zhang L*, He Z, Yan Z. Comparative Analysis of Two Tensegrity Grids Considering Slack and Rupture of Cables. AIAA Journal. 2019:1-9. 5. Wu J, Ru CQ*. Spherical indentation of an elastic layer on a rigid substrate revisited. Thin Solid Films. 2019;669:500-8. 6. Wu J*, Ru CQ, Zhang L. An elliptical liquid inclusion in an infinite elastic plane. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2018;474(2215):20170813. 7. Jing M, Wu J*, Deng Y, Ye W, Ning H, Sun D, Hu N*. Ultimate strength prediction of two-dimensional tri-axial braided composites based on an analytical laminate model. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 2018;37(13):917-29. 8. Wu J*, Zhang L, Wan L. A mode-III crack under adhesion studied by non-uniform linear spring models. Acta Mechanica. 2017;228(5):1621-9. 9. Wu J*, Ru CQ, Zhang L, Wan L. Geometrical shape of in-plane inclusion characterized by polynomial internal stress field under uniform eigenstrains. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2016;37(9):1113-30. 10. Wu J*, Ru CQ. A refined cohesive zone model that accounts for inertia of cohesive zone of a moving crack. Mechanics Research Communications. 2016;76:78-85. 11. Wu J, Ru CQ*. A modified cohesive zone model for a high‐speed expanding crack. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures. 2014;37(9):1013-24. 12. Wu J, Ru CQ*. A speed-dependent cohesive zone model for moving cracks with non-uniform traction force. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2014;117:12-27. 13. Wu J, Ru CQ*. Speed-dependent tip fields of a moving crack in a hyperelastic material. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. 2013;18(3):285-300.