入选中国科协青年人才托举工程,重庆英才青年拔尖人才。主要从事飞行器结构力学、复合材料结构损伤容限设计、制备与表征等领域的研究和教学工作。主持国家自然科学基金面上和青年项目、重庆市自然科学基金、中国科协项目、中央高校基本业务费和国家重点实验室开放基金等十余项。研究成果在Composites Science and Technology、Composites Part B、Composite Structures、International Journal of Fatigue、International Journal of Mechanical Sciences、Engineering Fracture Mechanics、Chinese Journal of Aeronautics等高水平期刊上发表论文50余篇,授权发明专利7项,受理4项。
2014.10-2016.01,University of Bristol(英国),School of Aerospace Engineering,联合培养博士
2018.10-2018.12,University of Siegen(德国),DAAD学者
中国复合材料学会青年工作委员会执行委员,中国力学学会会员,《应用力学学报》《材料工程》《航空材料学报》青年编委,Composites Part A, Composites Part B, Composite Structures, International Journal of Fatigue, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Advances in mechanical engineering, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Engineering Computations, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, Thin-Walled Structures, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Ocean Engineering, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 《材料科学与工程学报》,《力学季刊》,《复合材料学报》等多个期刊审稿人
[26].Yu Gong, Xinjian Chen, Wangchang Li, Libin Zhao, Junan Tao, Jianyu Zhang, Ning Hu. Delamination in carbon fiber epoxy DCB laminates with different stacking sequences: R-curve behavior and bridging traction-seperation relation.Composite Structures. 2021, 262: 113605.(SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[25]. Ruixue Ji, Libin Zhao, Kangkang Wang, Fengrui Liu,Yu Gong, Jianyu Zhang. Effects of debonding defects on the postbuckling and failure behaviors of composite stiffened panel under uniaxial compression.Composite Structures. 2020, 113121.(SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[24].Yu Gong, Libin Zhao, Jianyu Zhang, Ning Hu, Chuanzeng Zhang. Development of a standardized test procedure and an improved data reduction method for the mixed-mode I/II delamination in composite laminates.Composites Science and Technology. 2020, 108488.(SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[23].Kangkang Wang, Libin Zhao, Haiming Hong, Jianyu Zhang,Yu Gong. Parameters studies and evaluation principles of delamination damage in laminated composites.Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 2020.(SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[22].Wangchang Li, Liaoyuan Xu, Xu Zhang,Yu Gong, Yao Ying, Jing Yu, Jingwu Zheng, Liang Qiao, Shenglei Che. Investigating the effect of honeycomb structure composite on microwave absorption properties.Composites Communications. 2020; 19: 182-8.(SCI, JCR Q2分区)
[21].Yu Gong,Xinjian Chen, Junan Tao, Libin Zhao, Jianyu Zhang, Ning Hu. A simple procedure for determining the mode I bridging stress of composite DCB laminates without measuring the crack opening displacement.Composite Structures, 2020 (243), 112147.(SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[20].Yu Gong, Libin Zhao, Jianyu Zhang, Ning Hu. Crack closure in the fatigue delamination of composite multidirectional DCB laminates with large-scale fiber bridging.Composite Structures, 2020 (244), 112220.(SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[19].Tiancheng Cao, Libin Zhao,Yu Gong, Xiaojing Gong, Jianyu Zhang. An enhanced beam theory based semi-analytical method to determine the DCB mode I bridging-traction law.Composite Structures, 2020 (245), 112306. (SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[18].Yu Gong, Yixin Hou, Libin Zhao, Wangchang Li, Jianyu Zhang, Ning Hu. A modified mode I cohesive zone model for the delamination growth in DCB laminates with the effect of fiber bridging.International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020 (176): 105514. (SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[17]. Shihao Yin,Yu Gong*, Wangchang Li, Libin Zhao*, Jianyu Zhang*, Ning Hu. A novel four-linear cohesive law for the delamination simulation in composite DCB laminates.Composites Part B. 2020 (180), 107526. (SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[16].Yu Gong, Bing Zhang, Libin Zhao, Jianyu Zhang, Ning Hu, Chuanzeng Zhang. R-curve behaviour of the mixed-mode I/II delamination in carbon/epoxy laminates with unidirectional and multidirectional interfaces.Composite Structures. 2019 (223), 110949. (SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[15].Yu Gong, Libin Zhao, Jianyu Zhang, Ning Hu and Chuanzeng Zhang. An insight into three approaches for determining fatigue delamination resistance in DCB tests on composite laminates.Composites Part B. 2019 (176), 107206. (SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[14].Yu Gong, Wangchang Li, Hao Liu, Suzhen Yuan, Zhangming Wu, Chuanzeng Zhang. A novel understanding of the normalized fatigue delamination model for composite multidirectional laminates.Composite Structures. 2019, 111395. (SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[13]. Kangkang Wang, Libin Zhao, Haiming Hong,Yu Gong, Jianyu Zhang and Ning Hu. An analytical model for evaluating the buckling, delamination propagation, and failure behaviors of delaminated composites under uniaxial compression.Composite Structures. 2019, 110937. (SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[12]. Wangchang Li, Wei Huang, Kang Yue,Yu Gong, Yao Ying, Jing Yu, Jingwu Zheng, Liang Qiao and Shenglei Che. Fabrication and investigations of G-POSS/cyanate ester resin composites reinforced by silane-treated silica fibers.Composites Science and Technology. 2019 (173): 7-14. (SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[11].Yu Gong, Libin Zhao, Jianyu Zhang and Ning Hu. A novel model for determining the fatigue delamination resistance in composite laminates from a viewpoint of energy [J].Composites Science and Technology. 2018(167), 489-496. (SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[10].Yu Gong, Bing Zhang and Stephen R. Hallett. Delamination migration in multidirectional composite laminates under mode I quasi-static and fatigue loading [J].Composite Structures. 2018(189), 160-176. (SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[9].Yu Gong, Bing Zhang, Supratik Mukhopadhyay and Stephen R. Hallett. Experimental study on delamination migration in multidirectional laminates under mode II static and fatigue loading, with comparison to mode I [J].Composite Structures. 2018(201), 683-698. (SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[8].Yu Gong, Libin Zhao, Jianyu Zhang and Ning Hu. An improved power law criterion for the delamination propagation with the effect of large-scale fiber bridging in multidirectional laminates [J].Composite Structures. 2018(184), 961-968. (SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[7].Yu Gong, Libin Zhao, Jianyu Zhang, Yana Wang and Ning Hu. Delamination propagation criterion including the effect of fiber bridging for mixed-mode I/II delamination in CFRP multidirectional laminates [J].Composites Science and Technology. 2017(151), 302-309. (SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[6]. Libin Zhao, Yana Wang, Jianyu Zhang,Yu Gong, Ning Hu and Ning Li. XFEM-based model for simulating zigzag delamination growth in laminated composites under mode I loading [J].Composite Structures. 2017(160), 1155-1162. (SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[5]. Libin Zhao, Yana Wang, Jianyu Zhang,Yu Gong, Zizi Lu, Ning Hu and Jifeng Xu. An interface-dependent model of plateau fracture toughness in multidirectional CFRP laminates under mode I loading [J].Composites Part B: Engineering. 2017(131), 196-208. (SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[4]. Libin Zhao,Yu Gong, Yana Wang, Jianyu Zhang, Zizi Lu, Lei Peng and Ning Hu. A novel interpretation of fatigue delamination growth behavior in CFRP multidirectional laminates [J].Composites Science and Technology. 2016(133), 79-88. (SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[3]. Libin Zhao,Yu Gong, Jianyu Zhang, Yuli Chen and Binjun Fei. Simulation of delamination growth in multidirectional laminates under mode I and mixed mode I/II loadings using cohesive elements [J].Composite Structures. 2014(116), 509-522. (SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[2]. Libin Zhao,Yu Gong, Tianliang Qin, Saqib Mehmood and Jianyu Zhang. Failure prediction of out-of-plane woven composite joints using cohesive element [J].Composite Structures. 2013 (106), 407-416. (SCI, JCR Q1分区)
[1]. 赵丽滨,龚愉,张建宇. 纤维增强复合材料层合板分层扩展行为研究进展[J].航空学报. 2019, 40: 222509. DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2018.22509. (国内权威期刊)
Email: gongyu@cqu.edu.cn
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