2008-2011江苏大学, 理学硕士
2017-2018香港大学, 博士后
l担任控制领域学术期刊《IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and Learning Systems》编委;
主要从事智能控制、容错控制、自适应控制、协调控制理论及其应用等研究工作。取得系列重要理论创新和应用创新成果,发表重要学术期刊论文40余篇(SCI检索)。相关成果发表在IEEE TAC,Automatica, IEEE TNNLS,IEEE CYB等国际控制及人工智能领域顶级期刊上,两篇论文长期入选ESI高被引论文。主持国家自然科学基金重大项目子课题、面上项目、青年项目,重庆市自然科学基金面上项目等,参与国家自然科学基金重大项目、973计划、国际合作重点项目等。先后获得重庆市自然科学一等奖、中国教育部自然科学二等奖、中国自动化学会自然科学一等奖、CAA自动化与人工智能创新团队奖、重庆市自然科学二等奖、中国自动化学会优秀博士学位论文奖、重庆市优秀博士学位论文奖等奖励。
1. Yongduan Song, & Yujuan Wang, Cooperative Control of Nonlinear Networked Systems------Nonfinite-time and Finite Time Design Approaches,Springer,2019.
1.Yongduan Song*,Yujuan Wang, & Changyun Wen. Adaptive fault-tolerant PI tracking control with guaranteed transient and steady-state performance,IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 481-487,Jan.2017.
2.Gewei Zuo,Yujuan Wang*,Kai Zhao, Adaptive prescribed finite time control forstrict-feedback systems,IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,DOI:10.1109/TAC.2022.3225465, 2022.
3.Yujuan Wang*,Yongduan Song, Miroslav Krstic, & Changyun Wen.Fault-tolerant finite time consensus for multiple uncertain nonlinear mechanical systems under single-way directed communication interactions and actuation failures,Automatica, vol. 63, pp. 374-383, Jan. 2016.
4.Yongduan Song*,Yujuan Wang,John Holloway, & Miroslav Krstic.Time-varyingfeedback forregulationofnormal-formnonlinearsystemsin prescribed finite time,Automatica,vol.83, pp.243-251,Sep.2017.
5.Yujuan Wang*,Yongduan Song.Leader-following control of high-order multi-agent systems underdirected graphs: Pre-specified finite time approach,Automatica,vol. 87, pp. 113-120, Jan. 2018.
6.Yujuan Wang*,Yongduan Song.Ageneral approach to precise tracking of nonlinear systems subject tonon-vanishing uncertainties,Automatica,vol. 106, pp. 306-314, 2019.
7.Yujuan Wang, Yongduan Song*, & Frank L. Lewis. Robust adaptive fault-tolerant control of multi-agent systems with uncertain non-identical dynamics and undetectable actuation failures,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,vol. 62, no. 6, pp. 3978-3988,04 February2015.
8.Yujuan Wang*, Yongduan Song, David J. Hill,Zero-error consensus tracking with pre-assignableconvergence for non-affine multi-agent systems,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,vol. 51,no. 3, pp. 1300-1310, Mar. 2021.
9.Yongduan Song, Liu He,Yujuan Wang*Globally exponentially stable tracking control ofself-restructuring nonlinear systems,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,vol. 51, no. 9, pp. 4755-4765, Sep. 2021.
10.Yujuan Wang, Yongduan Song*, & Miroslav Krstic. Collectively rotating formation and containment deployment of multi-agent systems: a polar coordinate based finite time approach,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,vol.47, no.8, pp.2161-2172, Aug. 2017.
11.Yujuan Wang, Yongduan Song*, David J. Hill, Miroslav Krstic,Prescribed-time consensus and containment control of networked multi-agent systems,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 1138-1147, 2018.
12.Yujuan Wang*,Yongduan Song, Xiang Chen, Prescribed-time tracking with guaranteed performance for a class of self-switching systems under unknown control directions,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,DOI:10.1109/TCYB.2022.3216471,2022.
13.Zeqiang Li,Yujuan Wang*,Yongduan Song, Wei Ao, Global consensus tracking control for high-order nonlinear multiagent systems withprescribed performance,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2022.3211995, 2022.
14.Yujuan Wang,Yongduan Song*. Fraction Dynamic-Surface-based Neuroadaptive Finite-Time Containment Control of Multiagent Systems in Nonaffine Pure-feedback Form,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 678 - 689, March 2017.
15.Yujuan Wang,Yongduan Song*,& Wei Ren.Distributed adaptive finite time approach forformation-containment control of networked nonlinear systems under directed topology,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,vol. 29, no. 7, pp.3164-3175.July 2018
16.Yujuan Wang, Yongduan Song*, Miroslav Krstic, & Changyun Wen.Adaptive finite time coordinated consensus for high-ordermulti-agent systems: adjustable fraction power feedback approach,Information sciences, vol. 372, pp.392-406, Dec. 2016.
17.Ruizhen Gao,Yujuan Wang*, Junfeng Lai, & Hui Gao.Neuro-adaptive fault-tolerant control of high speed trains under traction-braking failures using self-structuring neural networks,Information sciences,vol.367-368, pp. 449–462,1 Nov.2016.
18.Yujuan Wang, Yongduan Song*, Hui Gao, Frank L. Lewis. Distributed fault-tolerant control of virtually and physically interconnected systems with application to high speed trains under traction/braking failures,IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol.17, no.2, pp.535-545, Feb.2016.
19.Yongduan Song,Yujuan Wang*, Miroslav Krstic, Time-varying feedback for stabilization in prescribed finite time,International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 618-633,25 March 2018.
20.Qing Chen, Kai Zhao, Xiumin Li, andYujuan Wang*,Asymptotic Tracking Control for Uncertain MIMO Systems: A Biologically Inspired ESN Approach,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 33, no.5, pp.1881-1890.
21.Shaozhu Wu,Yujuan Wang*,Xiang Chen, Global Prescribed Performance Control for Strict Feedback Systems Pursuing Uncertain Target,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,DOI:10.1109/TNNLS.2022.3189951,2022.
22.Zhen Gao,Yujuan Wang*,Neuroadaptive Fault-Tolerant Control WithGuaranteed Performance for Euler–LagrangeSystems Under Dying Power Faults,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,DOI:10.1109/TNNLS.2022.3166963,2022.
23.Qing Chen,Yujuan Wang, and Yongduan Song, Tracking Control of Self-Restructuring Systems: A Low-Complexity Neuroadaptive PID Approach With Guaranteed Performance,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,DOI:10.1109/TCYB.2021.3123191, 2021.
24.Qian Cui,Yujuan Wang, and Yongduan Song, Neuroadaptive Fault-Tolerant Control Under Multiple Objective Constraints With Applications to Tire Production Systems,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 32, no. 8, pp. 3391-3400, Aug. 2021.
25.Xiang Chen,Yujuan Wang*,Asymptotic containment control of uncertain multi-agent systems withpartially unknown non-identical control directions,Journal of the Franklin Institute,DOI:10.1016/j.jfranklin.2023.02.002, 2023.
26.Zeqiang, Li,Yujuan Wang*,Finite-Time Tracking for State-Constrained Strict-Feedback Systems Without Feasibility Conditions,International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,vol. 32, no. 10, pp. 6002-6016, Jul. 2022.
27.Gewei Zuo,Yujuan Wang*,Kai Zhao, Asymptotic tracking control for state-constrained strict-feedback systems with non-vanishing uncertainties,International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,vol. 32, no. 10, pp. 6017-6034, Jul. 2022.
28.Qian Cui,Yujuan Wang, Yongduan Song, Unified tracking control under full‐state constraints imposed irregularly,International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 2237-2254, 2021.
29.Ma, Tiedong, Bing Cui,Yujuan Wang, Kun Liu, Stochastic synchronization of delayed multiagent networks with intermittent communications: An impulsive framework,International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 29, no. 13, pp. 4537-4561, 2019.
30.Qian Cui, Hongwei Cao,Yujuan Wang, Yongduan Song, Prescribed time tracking control of constrained Euler–Lagrange systems: An adaptive proportional–integral solution,International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol.32,no.18,pp. 9723-9741, 2021.