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李坤职称:教授 职务:常务副主任 邮箱:kun.li@cqu.edu.cn |
李坤,博士,重庆大学机械与运载工程学院“弘深青年学者”特聘专家,博士生导师,海外引进人才;高性能智能增材制造实验室(HπAM)主任,金属增材制造(3D打印)重庆市重点实验室常务副主任,重庆大学绿色智能制造研究所副所长。2011年获吉林大学材料科学与工程学科工学学士学位;2016年获清华大学机械工程学科工学博士学位;2017年2月赴美国德州大学埃尔帕索分校从事博士后研究工作,并担任Lawrence E. Murr(美国增材制造先驱)和R.D.K. Misra课题组博士生联合指导老师;2019年4月任美国匹兹堡大学机械工程及材料科学系高级研究员教职;2020年8月被聘为重庆大学教授、博士生导师,从事教学科研工作。主要从事3D打印及增材制造、高性能材料及智能加工等研究。先后主持国家自然基金及联合基金、国家重点研发计划、全国重点实验室青年人才项目、美国能源部国际合作项目等多项课题。在AM、Small、JMST、JMPT、MSEA、MD等领域著名期刊和会议上发表论文80余篇,获全球2%顶尖科学家。担任机械工程学会极端制造委员会/增材制造委员会委员、有色金属学会增材制造技术专业委员会委员,国家重点研发计划会评专家。工作期间开发了多种镍基合金,稀土镁合金、超高强钢激光增材及3D打印工艺及在线检测技术,用于高端装备关键组件制造及修复。科研成果荣获美国休斯敦航天局技术应用奖(年度唯一华人青年学者)、美国德州大学年度研究员奖等。任Acta Materialia、IJMTM、Materials Research Letters、International Journal of Plasticity等领域著名期刊评审人。长期与清华大学、中国工程物理研究院成都增材制造中心、美国德州大学/匹兹堡大学、新加坡国立大学等合作,培养研究生。
2020.9-至今 重庆大学“弘深青年学者”教授,博士生导师
2019.4-2020.8 美国匹兹堡大学,高级研究员
2017.2-2019.3 美国德州大学埃尔帕索分校,博士后,博士生联合导师
2011.8-2017.1 清华大学机械工程系,工学博士
2007.9-2011.7 吉林大学材料科学与工程学院,工学学士
重庆大学 “弘深青年学者”特聘专家
Acta Materialia 等国际著名期刊评审人
[1] 激光选区熔化制备超固溶耐热镁稀土合金的基础研究。国家自然科学基金项目 (52201105)
[2] 高强超固溶耐热镁合金增材制造技术及装备。全国重点实验室青年人才项目 (SKLMT-ZZKT-2022R03)
[3] 激光选区熔化成形高弹热制冷镍钛记忆合金技术。重庆市面上项目 (CSTB2022NSCQ-MSX0992)
[4] 基于激光粉床增材制造,集成可溶解性支撑件、拓扑优化和微结构设计,以大大降低成本和后处理的核电站组件的研究开发。美国国家能源部项目(DOE18)
[5] 纳米压痕和变形中相变研究。美国国家自然科学基金 (NSF-DMR1602080)
[6] 用于火箭发动机的T-250马氏体时效高强钢的激光焊接接头的强韧性调控。清华大学博士项目 (THU1316)
[7] 化石燃料发电厂中使用的3D梯度结构材料设计。美国国家能源技术实验室项目(NETL0031637)
[8] 纤维增强树脂基复合材料与金属之间的激光异质连接技术及强化机理研究。中国国家自然科学基金 (NSF51275271)
[9] 多曲面钛合金构件激光智能焊接技术基础。 中国国家自然科学基金(U1537205)
[1] K. Li*, W. Chen, B. Yin, C. Ji, S. Bai, R. Liao, T. Yang, P. Wen*, B. Jiang, F. Pan,“A comparative study on WE43 magnesium alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion coupled with deep cryogenic treatment: Evolution in microstructure and mechanical properties”, Additive Manufacturing, 2023, 77: 103814.
[2] K Li*, T Yang, X Hou, C Ji, L Zhu, B Li, Y Cao, L Zhao*, C Ma, Z Tian, “Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of Al–Cu–Mn–Cd alloy fabricated by CMT-wire arc additive manufacturing”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 898: 146395.
[3]李坤,吉辰,白生文,蒋斌,潘复生,高性能镁合金电弧增材制造技术研究现状与展望,机械工程学报: 1-23.
[4]K. Li, C. Ji, S. Bai*, B. Jiang, F. Pan,“Selective laser melting of magnesium alloys: necessity, formability, performance, optimization and applications”,Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2023, 154: 65-93.
[5] K. Li*, J. Zhan, T. Yang, Albert C. To, S. Tan, Q. Tang, H. Cao*, Lawrence E. Murr*, “Homogenization timing effect on microstructure and precipitation strengthening of 17–4PH stainless steel fabricated by laser powder bed fusion”,Additive Manufacturing, 2022, 52: 102672.
[6] K. Li, Michael A. Klecka, S. Chen, W Xiong*, “Wire-arc additive manufacturing and post-heat treatment optimization on microstructure and mechanical properties of Grade 91 steel”,Additive Manufacturing, 2021, 37: 101734.
[7] J. Zhan, J. Wu, R. Ma, K. Li*, J. Lin, Lawrence E. Murr, “Tuning the functional properties by laser powder bed fusion with partitioned repetitive laser scanning: Toward editable 4D printing of NiTi alloys”,Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2023, 101:1468-1481.
[8] J. Zhan, J. Wu, R. Ma, K. Li*, T. Huang*, J. Lin, Lawrence E. Murr, “Effect of microstructure on the superelasticity of high-relative-density Ni-rich NiTi alloys fabricated by laser powder bed fusion”,Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2023, 317: 117988.
[9] K. Li*, R. Ma, Y. Qin, N. Gong, J. Wu, P. Wen, S. Tan, David Z. Zhang, Lawrence E. Murr, J. Luo, “A review of the multi-dimensional application of machine learning to improve the integrated intelligence of laser powder bed fusion”,Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2023, 318: 118032.
[10] S. An, K. Li*, L. Zhu, H. Liang, R. Ma, R. Liao, Murr Lawrence E, “A Framework for Computer-aided High Performance Titanium Alloy Design Based on Machine Learning”,Frontiers in Materials, 2024, 11: 1364572.
[11] K. Li, M. Zhang, Y. Hou, Y. Wu, C. Ji, J. He, P. Jin, D. Wu, L. Zhu*, “Multi-scale simulation of residual stress and deformation of large-size hollow parts fabricated by laser-based powder bed fusion”,Thin-Walled Structures, 2024, 198: 111743.
[12] K. Li*, T. Yang, N. Gong, J. Wu, X. Wu*, David Z. Zhang, Lawrence E. Murr, “Additive manufacturing of ultra-high strength steels: A review”,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 965: 171390.
[13] K. Li*, W. Chen, N. Gong, H. Pu, J. Luo*, David Z. Zhang, Lawrence E. Murr, “A critical review on wire-arc directed energy deposition of high-performance steels”,Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 24: 9369-9412.
[14] K. Li*, R. Ma, M. Zhang, W. Chen, X. Li*, David Z. Zhang, Q. Tang*, Lawrence E. Murr, J. Li, H. Cao, “Hybrid post-processing effects of magnetic abrasive finishing and heat treatment on surface integrity and mechanical properties of additively manufactured Inconel 718 superalloys”,Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2022, 128: 10-21.
[15] K. Li*, J. Zhan, M. Zhang, R. Ma, Q. Tang, David Z. Zhang, Lawrence E. Murr*, H. Cao, “A functionally graded material design from stainless steel to Ni-based superalloy by laser metal deposition coupled with thermodynamic prediction”,Materials & Design, 2022, 217: 110612.
[16]X. Wu*, X. Chen, R. Yang, J. Zhan, Y. Ren, K. Li*, “Recent Advances on tuning the interlayer coupling and properties in van Der Waals heterostructures”, Small, 2022, 18: 2105877.
[17] K. Li,V.S.Y.Injeti,R.D.K.Misra*,L.G.Meng,X.G.Zhang, “The contribution of long-period stacking-ordered structure (LPSO) to high strength-high ductility combination and nanoscale deformation behavior of magnesium-rare earth alloy”,Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2018, 713: 112-117.
[18] K. Li,V.S.Y.Injeti,P.Trivedi,L.E.Murr,R.D.K.Misra*, “Nanoscale deformation of multiaxially forged ultrafine-grained Mg-2Zn-2Gd alloy with high strength-high ductility combination and comparison with the coarse-grained counterpart”,Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2018, 34: 311-316.
[19]Y.Zhao,K.Li,MatthewGargani,WXiong*, “A comparative analysis of Inconel 718 made by additive manufacturing and suction casting: Microstructure evolution in homogenization”,Additive Manufacturing, 2020, 36: 101404.
[20]李坤,单际国,王春旭,田志凌,T250马氏体时效钢激光焊接-时效处理接头的强韧性,金属学报, 2015, 51(8): 904-912.